Deletes a context stored by a call of the WebPageStore function.
WebPageDeleteContext(in hContext: number): boolean;
true if the context is deleted successfully
false otherwise
Parameter | Description |
hContext | Handle to a stored context. |
dcltrans transaction TInit begin //WebSetBrowser(WEB_BROWSER_MSIE5); WebSetUserBehavior(WEB_USERBEHAVIOR_FIRST_TIME); WebSetDocumentCache(true, WEB_CACHE_CHECK_SESSION); end TInit; transaction TMain var hContext: number; begin WebPageUrl(""); WebPageStoreContext(hContext); WebPageLink("Internet Compliancy Tests"); WebPageLink("Frame Tests"); WebPageLink("sample", "Main Frame"); WebPageUrl(""); WebPageLink("quotes", "Document Moved"); // this is a link of the page: "" WebPageLink("VCRocket", "VCRocket", 0, NULL, hContext); WebPageDeleteContext(hContext); end TMain;