Stores the context of the last page in the history, so that it will be available to all subsequent WebPageLink and WebPageSubmit calls. The available memory places are limited to 10 stored contexts. Call the WebPageDeleteContext function if the stored context is not needed any more.
The function call WebBrowserReset(WEB_RESET_ALL) deletes all stored contexts!
WebPageStoreContext( inout hContext: number ): boolean;
true if the context is stored successfully
false otherwise
Parameter | Description |
hContext | Variable that receives a handle to the stored context (used for a call to the WebPageDeleteContext function only. |
dcltrans transaction TInit begin //WebSetBrowser(WEB_BROWSER_MSIE5); WebSetUserBehavior(WEB_USERBEHAVIOR_FIRST_TIME); WebSetDocumentCache(true, WEB_CACHE_CHECK_SESSION); end TInit; transaction TMain var hContext: number; begin WebPageUrl(""); WebPageStoreContext(hContext); WebPageLink("Internet Compliancy Tests"); WebPageLink("Frame Tests"); WebPageLink("sample", "Main Frame"); WebPageUrl(""); WebPageLink("quotes", "Document Moved"); // this is a link of the page: "" WebPageLink("VCRocket", "VCRocket", 0, NULL, hContext); WebPageDeleteContext(hContext); end TMain;