Checking out a policy

Check out a license policy from your Silk Meter server to use the licenses offline for up to 14 days.
  1. Start the Policy Administrator in elevated mode.
    1. Click (in Microsoft Windows 7) Start > All Programs > Silk > Silk Meter 20.5 or (in Microsoft Windows 10) Start > Silk.
    2. Right-click Policy Administrator.
    3. Select Run as Administrator.
  2. Connect to the remote server. For additional information, see Configuring the Silk Meter connection.
  3. Select the policy that you want to check out.
    Note: You cannot check out policies with maximum invokes or units.
  4. Click File > Check out Mobile Policy in the menu or click Check out Mobile Policy in the toolbar. The Check-out Mobile Policies dialog appears.
  5. Specify the number of licenses that you want to check out in the Check-out field.
    Tip: The Available field displays the available number of licenses.
  6. Specify the Number of days that the licenses should remain checked out. The maximum is 14 days.
  7. Click OK The Policy Administrator displays the icon for the remote server and the icon for the local client below the product name.