!  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 


-t cob flag User's GuideDescriptions of Flags
/t option Fileshare GuideServer Configuration
Automatic Record Lock Timeout
-t Rebuild option File HandlingRebuild Options
T RTS switch Compatibility GuideTrailing Blanks in Line Sequential Files
User's GuideDescriptions of Switches
File HandlingTab Switch (T)
Language ReferenceThe READ Statement
The REWRITE Statement
The WRITE Statement
Adis function (RM) Character UIsSpecial Mapping Functions
Alter Tab Stops menu in Adis Configuration utility Character UIsThe Alter Tab Stops Menu
between panels Dialog System CharacterChaining Panels
insertion User's GuideDescriptions of Switches
TAB function-name Program DevelopmentDevices Associated with Function-names
Tab insertion File HandlingDescriptions of Routines
Table SQL Option SyntaxTable
area Language ReferenceThe OCCURS Clause
bound checking Compatibility GuideTable Bound Checking
reference points Language ReferenceThe SET Statement
searching Language ReferenceThe SEARCH Statement
TABLE clause
DROP SQL Option SyntaxDROP
Table handling
efficiency Program DevelopmentTable Handling
Table initialization
rules Language ReferenceThe VALUE Clause
Table Name SQL Option SyntaxTable Name
Table sorting LR - Additional TopicsSorting of Tables
Language ReferenceThe SORT Statement
example LR - Additional TopicsSORT Table Entries
Table Space SQL Option SyntaxTable Space
Table Space Name SQL Option SyntaxTable Space Name
Table spaces
Tables, and Indexes SQL Option ServerTable Spaces, Tables, and Indexes
table spaces - definition of SQL Option SyntaxTable Space
table spaces - naming SQL Option SyntaxTable Space Name
Table storage requirements SQL Option ServerTable Storage Requirements
CHECK constraints SQL Option SyntaxSET CURRENT RULES
comments SQL Option SyntaxCOMMENT ON
defining aliases SQL Option SyntaxCREATE ALIAS
dependent SQL Option SyntaxALTER TABLE
Enterprise Server Administration ES Config & AdminTables
listing SQL Option SyntaxCREATE INDEX
parent SQL Option SyntaxALTER TABLE
privileges SQL Option SyntaxGRANT (Table or View Privileges)
REVOKE privileges SQL Option SyntaxREVOKE (Table or View Privileges)
selecting for insert SQL Option SyntaxINSERT
virtual SQL Option SyntaxCREATE VIEW
tables - definition of SQL Option SyntaxTable
tables - naming SQL Option SyntaxTable Name
tables - result SQL Option SyntaxTable
tables - virtual SQL Option SyntaxView
DROP SQL Option SyntaxDROP
configuration file Distributed ComputingThe Client/Server Binding Configuration File
Overriding Configuration File Entries
Tags in CSI Utilities GuideFunctions, Menus, and Toggles
Tailoring data Utilities GuideData File Editor
TALLY special register Language ReferenceSpecial Registers
The EXAMINE Statement
The EXHIBIT Statement
Siemens BS2000 COBOL LR - Additional TopicsSpecial Registers
EXAMINE statement Language ReferenceThe EXAMINE Statement
INSPECT statement Language ReferenceThe INSPECT Statement
UNSTRING statement Language ReferenceThe UNSTRING Statement
TAN function Language ReferenceThe TAN Function
TARGET Compiler directive Reference helpTARGET
TCP/IP Configuring CCICCITCP Configuration
Fileshare GuideOverview
Tcp/ip SQL Option ServerCommunications Protocols
Tektronics color User's GuideColor
and function key recognition Character UIsKey Configuration on UNIX
TEMPDIR Infomgr configuration option Utilities GuideConfiguration File
Temporary file
License Manager Dev System LicensingTemporary Files
Rebuild File HandlingRebuild Options
storing User's GuideTMPDIR Environment Variable
Temporary file path SQL Option ServerTemporary File Path
Temporary File Path
temporary file path User Profile utility function SQL Option UtilitiesTemporary File Path
Temporary storage requirements SQL Option ServerTemporary Storage Requirements
TERM Dialog System CharacterTerminate Function
Function Descriptions
TERM environment variable User's GuideWide Terminal Mode
Environment Variables
Debugging GuideStarting Animator
Character UIsKey Configuration on UNIX
screen read on non-FED Character UIsAdis Run-time Configuration
Terminal device User's GuideTerminfo Database and Terminal Devices
TERMINAL DOS8 configuration parameter Dialog System CharacterDOS Screensets
TERMINAL GENERIC8 configuration parameter Dialog System CharacterUNIX Screensets
Terminal handling
UNIX Character UIscobkeymp Tables
Terminal numbers
specifying for a session recording Utilities GuideF9/F10=options
Terminate Accept
Adis function Character UIsStandard Adis Key Functions
Terminate function Dialog System CharacterTerminate Function
Terminate Program
Adis function Character UIsStandard Adis Key Functions
TERMINATE statement LR - Additional TopicsThe TERMINATE Statement
ACCEPT Adis option Character UIsACCEPT/DISPLAY Options
transactions SQL Option SyntaxCOMMIT
Terminating a query SQL Option SyntaxHALT QUERY FROM
Terminator key Language ReferenceThe Special-Names Paragraph
Terminfo User's GuideTerminfo Database and Terminal Devices
Environment Variables
Getting StartedMore Features
key functions Character UIsKey Configuration on UNIX
lacks function key information Character UIsKey Configuration on UNIX
TERMINFO environment variable User's GuideSearching Portable and System Terminfo Databases
Environment Variables
terminfo.txt Dev System LicensingLicenses and License Keys
Managing License Keys Using the License Administration Services
TERMPAGE Compiler directive Reference helpTERMPAGE
Territory environment and National Locale Support Program DevelopmentSetting Up the Environment for NLS and DBCS
TERSE Interactive SQL command SQL Option UtilitiesTERSE
TEST AFTER phrase Language ReferenceThe PERFORM Statement
TEST BEFORE phrase Language ReferenceThe PERFORM Statement
Test CSI line marker Utilities GuideThe Source Listing
Test data generation Utilities GuideHexadecimal Editing
Test service ES Config & AdminServices
test1.cpb Dialog System CharacterThe Program
Testing Utilities GuideAnimating a Program
See Debugging
Testing a screenset Dialog System CharacterRunning Your Screenset
editing using COBOL Editor Utilities GuideIntroduction
entering Debugging GuideEntering Text on Menus
Utilities GuideEntering Text
virtual Dialog System CharacterTutorial 6 - Virtual Text
Text area Getting StartedInvoking Server Express
Text comments
counting Utilities GuideSpecial Queries
Text function Debugging GuideFunction Descriptions
Text groups Dialog System CharacterGroup Types
Text Groups
Text menu Debugging GuideText Menu
Text routines Program DevelopmentText Routines
convert to lower case Program DevelopmentList of Routines
convert to upper case Program DevelopmentList of Routines
The DSNDB06 database SQL Option ServerThe DSNDB06 Database
The DSNDB06 Database
The XDBACF database SQL Option ServerThe XDBACF Database
Third party products
overview Character UIsThird-party Tools
This Program Break function Debugging GuideFunction Descriptions
canceling Multi-threadingCanceling a Thread
created by run-time system Multi-threadingManipulating Threads
creating Multi-threadingCreating and Terminating a Thread
handle Multi-threadingThread Handles
Accessing Thread-local Data From an Initialized Thread-storage Handle
identifying Multi-threadingIdentifying a Thread
initiating Language ReferenceThe START Statement
manipulating Multi-threadingManipulating Threads
other language Multi-threadingThreads in Other Languages
suspending Language ReferenceThe WAIT Statement
Multi-threadingSuspending a Thread
terminating Multi-threadingCreating and Terminating a Thread
viewing Debugging GuideFunction Descriptions
Thread-control library routines Multi-threadingThread-control Routines
Thread-control Routines
return codes Multi-threadingRETURN-CODE Values For Thread-control Routines
Thread-local Breakpoint function Debugging GuideFunction Descriptions
THREAD-LOCAL clause Language ReferenceFile Description Entry Skeleton
Data Description Entry Skeleton
Thread-local data
accessing Multi-threadingAccessing Thread-local Data From an Initialized Thread-storage Handle
allocating Multi-threadingAllocating Thread-local Data From the Dynamic Heap
THREAD-LOCAL data attribute Multi-threadingUsing Data Attributes
Thread-Local-Storage Section Language ReferenceOverview
Thread-Local-Storage Section
Multi-threadingUsing Data Attributes
THREAD-POINTER usage Language ReferenceThe USAGE Clause
Thread-specific data library routines Multi-threadingRoutines for Handling Thread-specific Data
Routines for Handling Thread-specific Data
Thread-specific memory library routines Multi-threadingRoutines for Handling Thread Memory
Thread-synchronization library routines Multi-threadingThread-synchronization Routines
Synchronization Routines
ThreadedCallback class Reference helpThreadedCallback
Three part name SQL Option ServerThree-Part Name Access
Three-dimensional table Language ReferenceThe SEARCH Statement
Three-part name access SQL Option ServerThree-Part Name Access
Three-Part Names SQL Option SyntaxThree-Part Names
Three-part names
tables SQL Option SyntaxCREATE TABLE
views SQL Option SyntaxCREATE VIEW
three-part names SQL Option SyntaxTable Name
three-part names - definition of SQL Option SyntaxThree-Part Names
Fully Qualified Table Names
three-part names - fully qualified SQL Option SyntaxFully Qualified Table Names
three-part names - partially qualified SQL Option SyntaxPartially Qualified Table Names
Java exception from COBOL Distributed ComputingThrowing Exceptions from COBOL
throwException method Reference helpjavasup Method throwException
throwNewException method Reference helpjavasup Method throwNewException
tic utility User's GuideColor
TIME SQL Option ReferenceTIME
Time SQL Option SyntaxTime
TIME - storage formats SQL Option SyntaxTime
TIME Compiler directive Reference helpTIME
time data type Database AccessDate and Time Data Types
COBSQL - Informix Database AccessInformix
COBSQL - Oracle Database AccessOracle
COBSQL - Sybase Database AccessSybase
DB2 Database AccessDB2
OpenESQL Database AccessOpenESQL
Time Duration SQL Option ReferenceTime Duration
TIME function SQL Option ReferenceTIME
time picture User Profile utility function SQL Option UtilitiesTime Picture
time pictures definition SQL Option UtilitiesTime Pictures
time zone User Profile utility function SQL Option UtilitiesTime Zone
TIME-OF-DAY special register Language ReferenceSpecial Registers
TIMEOUT Dialog System CharacterFunction Descriptions
CCI Fileshare GuideCCI Timeout
on key sequences Character UIsKey Configuration on UNIX
record lock Fileshare GuideServer Configuration
Automatic Record Lock Timeout
reset control in Adis Character UIsAdis Run-time Configuration
select timeout units Character UIsAdis Run-time Configuration
Timeout and deadlock SQL Option ServerTimeout and Deadlock
timeout configuration parameter Distributed ComputingConfiguration File Parameters
Timeout function Dialog System CharacterTimeout Function
TIMEOUT-SAVE-DATA configuration parameter Dialog System CharacterGeneral Run-time Behavior
TIMES Utilities GuideSpecial Queries
times - incrementing rules SQL Option ReferenceIncrementing and Decrementing Times
times - subtracting rules SQL Option ReferenceSubtracting Times
TIMES phrase Language ReferenceThe PERFORM Statement
Timestamp SQL Option SyntaxTimestamp
TIMESTAMP - storage formats SQL Option SyntaxTimestamp
timestamp data type Database AccessDate and Time Data Types
Timestamp Duration SQL Option ReferenceTimestamp Duration
TIMESTAMP function SQL Option ReferenceTIMESTAMP
timestamps - incrementing SQL Option ReferenceIncrementing and Decrementing Timestamps
timestamps - subtracting rules SQL Option ReferenceSubtracting Timestamps
tinyint data type Database AccessTiny Integer
TITLE statement Language ReferenceThe TITLE Statement
TMPDIR environment variable User's GuideAccessing the COBOL System Components
TMPDIR Environment Variable
Environment Variables
File HandlingWorkfile
Debugging GuideCross-session Debugging
TO clause Language ReferenceThe TO Clause
TODAY SQL Option ReferenceTODAY
TODAY function SQL Option ReferenceTODAY
TOGF Dialog System CharacterFlag Functions
Function Descriptions
Toggle Getting StartedInvoking Server Express
Adis function Character UIsSpecial Mapping Functions
Special Mapping Functions
Toggle-format Utilities GuideFunctions
Tokens SQL Option SyntaxTokens
tokens - delimiter SQL Option SyntaxTokens
tokens - identifiers SQL Option SyntaxIdentifiers
tokens - ordinary SQL Option SyntaxTokens
ToOEM method Reference helpCharacterArray Method ToOEM
DBCScharacterarray Method ToOEM
ToOEMInLine method Reference helpCharacterArray Method ToOEMInLine
DBCScharacterarray Method ToOEMInLine
/tr option Fileshare GuideServer Configuration
Monitoring Fileshare
Trace Dialog System CharacterTutorial 5 - Using the Trace and Trap
object modules Dialog System CharacterApplications in Development
trap screen Dialog System CharacterTrace On/Off (F2)
TRACE (T) Database AccessCP Directives
Trace Back report Debugging GuideTrace Back
TRACE Compiler directive LR - Additional TopicsThe READY TRACE Statement
The RESET TRACE Statement
Reference helpTRACE
TRACE configuration option File HandlingConfiguration Options
Trace dataset
changing Enterprise Server HelpTo change the trace dataset
To transfer the in-memory trace data to the auxiliary dataset at rollover
To change the trace dataset
To transfer the in-memory trace data to the auxiliary dataset at rollover
Trace facility Dialog System CharacterTrace On/Off (F2)
in executables Dialog System CharacterUsing the Trace Facility in an Executable Object
TRACE License Manager directive Dev System LicensingStarting the License Manager
Trace menu Dialog System CharacterTrace On/Off (F2)
Trace on/off
trap Dialog System CharacterTrace On/Off (F2)
Trace option Fileshare GuideServer Configuration
Monitoring Fileshare
trace.log file OO ProgrammingMessage Tracing
TRACEFILE configuration option File HandlingConfiguration Options
information Enterprise Server HelpTo specify what information is traced
To specify what information is traced
viewing Enterprise Server HelpTo view a trace
To view a trace
Tracing SQL Option ServerTracing
CCI Configuring CCICCI Trace
Tracing messages OO ProgrammingMessage Tracing
trailing blanks - LIKE operator SQL Option SyntaxLIKE Examples
Trailing nulls
compression File HandlingCompression of Trailing Nulls
Trailing spaces
compression File HandlingCompression of Trailing Spaces
displaying User's GuideDescriptions of Switches
line sequential files Compatibility GuideTrailing Blanks in Line Sequential Files
TRAILING-SIGN option LR - Additional TopicsThe ACCEPT Statement
Language ReferenceThe ACCEPT Statement
commit SQL Option ServerCommitting a Transaction
concurrency SQL Option ServerConcurrency Control
processing SQL Option ServerTransaction Processing
rollback SQL Option ServerRolling Back a Transaction
Transaction licenses Deployment LicensingTypes of Licenses
Transaction processing Fileshare GuideTransaction Processing
SQL Option ServerTransaction Processing
error messages Fileshare GuideTransaction Processing Errors
Transactions Database AccessManaging Transactions
TRANSCMD Infomgr configuration option Utilities GuideConfiguration File
TRANSDIR Infomgr configuration option Utilities GuideConfiguration File
Transfer of control Language ReferenceExplicit and Implicit Transfers of Control
between segments LR - Additional TopicsIndependent Segments
Segmentation Control
TRANSFORM statement Language ReferenceThe TRANSFORM Statement
Transient named pipe Dev System LicensingRelocating the Transient Named Pipes
Transient system failure SQL Option ServerTransient System Failure
Transient System Failure Recovery
Transient system failure recovery SQL Option ServerTransient System Failure Recovery
translateEvent method Reference helpBase Method translateEvent
translateEventToSignal method Reference helpBase Method translateEventToSignal
Translation file Dialog System CharacterTranslation Files
Translation tables User's GuideEBCDIC/ASCII Translation Tables
Trap Dialog System CharacterRunning the Screenset
Tutorial 5 - Using the Trace and Trap
Tutorial 13 - Running the Program with the Trap
calling from program Dialog System CharacterTrap On/Off (F3)
display fields Dialog System CharacterTrap Data Fields
input fields Dialog System CharacterTrap Input Fields
object modules Dialog System CharacterApplications in Development
output fields Dialog System CharacterTrap Output Fields
screen Dialog System CharacterThe Trap Screen
using Dialog System CharacterThe Trap Screen
Trap on/off Dialog System CharacterTrap On/Off (F3)
Trap screen menu Dialog System CharacterTrap Screen Menu
Trap window Dialog System CharacterRunning Your Screenset
Trickle Program DevelopmentThe PERFORM Statement
Trigonometric function Language ReferenceTrigonometric Functions
trimBlanks method Reference helpByteArray Method trimBlanks
CharacterArray Method trimBlanks
cobolpicx Method trimBlanks
DBCScharacterarray Method trimBlanks
dbcspicx Method trimBlanks
Troubleshooting ES Config & AdminTroubleshooting
AppTrack not found Deployment LicensingSetting Up the Environment
AS licenses Deployment LicensingTroubleshooting
development system license Dev System LicensingProblems that Users Might Encounter
Frequently Asked Questions
enterprise serves ES Config & AdminDiagnosing Problems
license installation Deployment LicensingProblems Running AppTrack
tracing SQL Option ServerTracing
True/false Dialog System CharacterTrue/False (F5)
TRUNC Compiler directive Language ReferenceCOMPUTATIONAL, BINARY, or COMPUTATIONAL-4 Format
The MOVE Statement
Program DevelopmentData Types
Using Directives to Optimize for Speed
Reference helpTRUNC
TRUNCALLNAME Compiler directive Reference helpTRUNCALLNAME
TRUNCATE function SQL Option ReferenceTRUNCATE
vs. DELETE SQL Option SyntaxDELETE (Positioned)
DELETE (Searched)
Truncated data
and indicator variables SQL Option PrecompilerUsing Indicator Variables
Truncation Database AccessData Truncation
The ROUNDED Phrase
TRUNCCOPY Compiler directive Reference helpTRUNCCOPY
Trusting SQL Option ServerTrusting
set up SQL Option ServerSetting Up Trusting
system tables SQL Option ServerSystem Tables
See Run-time tunable
Turning logging on and off SQL Option ServerTurning Logging On and Off
Turning security on SQL Option ServerTurning Security On
Character Mode Dialog System CharacterSample Session in Character Mode
collections OO ProgrammingCollections
Development Environment Getting StartedUsing Server Express
dictionaries OO ProgrammingDictionaries
exception handling OO ProgrammingException Handling Tutorial
Getting Started Getting StartedStart Here for the Tutorials
inheritance OO ProgrammingInheritance Tutorial
interfaces OO ProgrammingInterfaces and Parameterized Class Tutorial
intrinsic data OO ProgrammingUsing Intrinsics
iterator methods OO ProgrammingIterator Methods
more complex class OO ProgrammingMore Complex Class Tutorial
parameterized classes OO ProgrammingInterfaces and Parameterized Class Tutorial
requirements-based vocabulary OO ProgrammingRequirements-based Vocabulary Tutorial
simple class OO ProgrammingSimple Class Tutorial
XML Getting StartedMigrating to XML
XML-enabling a Legacy Program
tutorial data SQL Option UtilitiesTutorial Data
Tutorials Dialog System CharacterTutorial (F8)
debugging Debugging GuideDebugging Tutorials
Tutorials map Getting StartedTutorials Map
Two-byte record terminator File HandlingDescriptions of Routines
Two-digit year
sorting LR - Additional TopicsSorting Two-digit Years with a Century Window
Two-dimensional table Language ReferenceThe SEARCH Statement
Two-part names
views SQL Option SyntaxCREATE VIEW
Two-part names - definition of SQL Option SyntaxPartially Qualified Table Names
Two-way pipe File HandlingTwo-way Pipes
interface field Distributed ComputingType
TYPE clause LR - Additional TopicsThe TYPE Clause
Type conversion
Java Distributed ComputingJava Data Types
Type definition File HandlingType Definitions and Call Prototypes
Language ReferenceOverview
The USAGE Clause
Multi-threadingType Definitions and Call Prototypes
Debugging GuideType Definitions and Call Prototypes
Character UIsType Definitions and Call Prototypes
Type Definitions and Call Prototypes
Type Definitions and Call Prototypes
example LR - Additional TopicsExample of Call Prototype Usage
Typedef ? User Defined USAGE or Structure
Type definitions
C language ES Config & AdminStructure Definitions and Type Definitions
ANY Program DevelopmentThe ANY Keyword
relaxed Program DevelopmentThe ANY Keyword
Relaxed Type-checking
Typed object references OO ProgrammingUsing Object References
TYPEDEF Program DevelopmentUsing TYPEDEF
Debugging GuideType Definitions and Call Prototypes
Character UIsType Definitions and Call Prototypes
Type Definitions and Call Prototypes
Type Definitions and Call Prototypes
library routines Program DevelopmentUsing the Library Routine Type Definitions and Call Prototypes
TYPEDEF clause Language ReferenceData Description Entry Skeleton
Typedef-name Language ReferenceConventions for Condition-names, Data-names, File-names, Record-names, Report-names and Typedef-name
Typedefs in Java Distributed ComputingJava Typedefs
Interface Mapper Distributed ComputingReusable Mappings

Copyright © 2003 Micro Focus International Limited. All rights reserved.
This document and the proprietary marks and names used herein are protected by international law.