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Edit Service

Use this page to change configurable attributes of a service.


Changing the properties of a registered service may cause application connection errors and loss of data


Specify the name of the service, up to 255 characters. You cannot include angle brackets (<>) or ampersands (&) in the name.

A service name can consist of a service namespace and an operation name, separated by a special character. The character depends on which request handler is being used, MFRHSOAP or MFRHBINP.

If there is no separating character, the name of the operation is considered to be the same as the service namespace.

If the service will be using the MFRHSOAP request handler, the text before the first pound character (#) in the name is considered to be the service namespace and the text after is considered to be the name of the operation.

If the service will be using the MFRHBINP request handler, the text before the last period character (.) in the name is considered to be the service namespace and the text after is considered to be the name of the operation.


You can change the name of a service only when the server has a status of "Stopped".

Search Order

Specify the search order of the service. If more than one service object has the same name, then a program client can use Search Order to decide which service to use. The lower the search order is, the higher the search priority.

Service Class

Specify the service class of the service (optional). This field provides a means of grouping services, so that a client program can ask for a class of service rather than a specific named service. Service classes beginning with MF are reserved for Micro Focus use. Service Class can be up to 32 characters in length.


Specify the version string of the service. This consists of three elements in decreasing order of significance: major version, minor version, build version. This can be used to distinguish between services of the same name or class.


Check this to request that for each request for this service the request and response blocks are written to the enterprise server dump data set. Only use this option if you need diagnostics as it degrades performance.

Transaction Management

Click one button to choose the type of transaction management that this service uses:

  • Application for a service in which the COBOL application manages their own transactions.
  • Container for a service in which the COBOL application leaves transaction management to the application container.

If the client is transactional, such as a J2EE transactional request, this setting is ignored and the service is forced to be container-managed. Container-managed services should not make any explicit transactional requests, for example, EXEC SQL COMMIT WORK statements.

Current Status

Shows the current status of the service. The possible statuses are:

Available The service is available.
Invalid An error has occurred such that it has not been possible to set the status to any other value
Disabled The service is disabled.
New Status

Choose a status from the list. The possible statuses are:

Available The service is available.
Disabled The service is disabled.
Accepting Listeners

Shows the listeners that will accept incoming client requests.

Available Listeners

Lists the listeners that are available to be allocated to this service. Click a listener to select it for adding to Accepting Listeners. A service can have more than one listener.


Click this to remove the selected listener from Accepting Listeners. There must be more than one listener in Accepting Listeners before you can click this.


Click this to add the selected listener to Accepting Listeners.

Available Handlers

Lists the available request handlers. Click a request handler to select it to become the Associated Handler. You must add a listener before you can see Available Handlers and associate a handler with the service.

Select Handler

Click this to make the selected request handler the Associated Handler.

Associated Handler

Shows the request handler that is associated with this service, if any.

Available Packages

Lists the available implementation packages. Click a package to select it to become the Associated Package. You must add a listener before you can see Available Packages and associate a package with the service.

Select Package

Click this to make the selected package the Associated Package.

Associated Package

Shows the implementation package that is associated with this service, if any.

Configuration Information

Specify textual configuration information that determines the startup and run-time behavior of the service. Optional. For details of the valid entries, see the section Configuration Information in the chapter Services, Packages and Request Handlers in your Configuration and Administration Guide.


Specify a text description of the service, for example, its purpose and owner. Optional.

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