The Agent Manager uses certificates for authentication between Central Computer and Agents. When you upgrade the Microsoft Windows operating system, it deletes some of these certificates and prevents the Agent Manager from restarting after the upgrade.
Before you upgrade Windows, back up the Agent Manager system certificates and restore them after you upgrade Windows, by performing the following steps:
Export the registry key:
Open the command prompt as an administrator and enter the command regedit.
In the Registry Editor, Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > SystemCertificates.
Under SystemCertificates, right-click the NetIQ Security Manager folder and select Export. Save the registry key as a .reg file.
Back up the.reg file.
(Conditional) If you have changed the default location for the SAM certificate installation, back up the certificates from the custom location.
(Conditional) If you have installed any custom certificates for authentication between the Central Computer and Agents, back up the custom certificates.
Perform the Windows upgrade.
Double-click the.reg file generated in Step 1 to import the certificates into the registry.
(Conditional) Reinstall the certificates that were backed up in Step 2 and Step 3 at the appropriate locations.
Restart the Agent Manager service.