6.7 Deploying in AD LDS Environment

SecureLogin provides centralized management and deployment of user configuration by using the directory structure and administration tools.

You can manage users through the Administrative Management Utility accessed from the Windows Start menu.

The following section explain the various tasks involved in deploying SecureLogin in an ADAM environment:

6.7.1 Configuring a User’s Environment

SecureLogin provides a range of options for deployment and distribution of user configurations. We recommend that SecureLogin configuration is installed on test user accounts prior to deployment.

Configuring a user’s SecureLogin includes:

  • Setting preferences

  • (Optional) Creating password policies

  • Enabling single sign-on for required applications.

  • (Optional) Creating passphrase questions for user selection

6.7.2 Administering SecureLogin In an ADAM Environment

SecureLogin users are managed through the Administrative Management utility. Through this you can manage users at the container, organizational unit, and user object levels.

NOTE:You can administer SecureLogin using the Administrative Management utilities, such as SLManager.

  1. Launch the Administrative Management utility.

  2. Specify your username, password, and tree name

    You can substitute the IP address of an eDirectory server for the tree name.

6.7.3 Setting Up a Passphrase

After you successfully install SecureLogin on a user workstation, set up a passphrase for the user.

For more information, see Section 1.2, Setting Up a Passphrase.