4.2 Restarting Secure API Manager

Depending on your Secure API Manager environment, restarting Secure API Manager might require some steps in addition to powering the appliance on and off. The order in which the components start and are ready to communicate with the other components is very important. If you do not start the system properly, communication between the different components fails and there is a possibility of the system becoming corrupt.

Also, you must ensure that each component is up and communicating before you start the next component. If two components try to write to the Database Service component at the same time, data corruption may result. The components must start in the following order, and you must ensure that each component is up and communicating before starting the next component:

  1. Database Service: Log in to the Deployment Manager and ensure that the database icon appears on the Overview tab.

  2. Analytics: Make a WebSocket connection to hostname-of-analytics:7613 or wait 10 to 15 minutes.

  3. Lifecycle Manager: Access and log in to the Publisher at https://lifecycle-manager-dns-name:9444/publisher.

  4. API Gateway: Access https://api-gateway-dns-name:8246/mf/idp/admin/ping.

If you do not ensure that the components start in this order, communication between the different components fails. The steps to restart the system are different if you have a distributed environment or a test environment. Use the following information to restart your system correctly.

4.2.1 Restarting Secure API Manager Components in a Distributed Environment

Restarting the Secure API Manager components in a distributed environment is the same whether you have clustered components or non-clustered components running on separate appliances. You must always ensure that you start the components in the proper order and ensure that each component is up and communicating before starting the next component. Otherwise, the components fail to communicate and Secure API Manager does not work.

WARNING:The Database Service component must run on its own appliance. If you have to restart the Database Service component, you must shut down all of the other components first and then shut down the Database Service component. Otherwise, the other components try to communicate and send information to the Database Service, and because they cannot communicate with the Database Service, the other components stop working.

As you are shutting down and starting services, ensure that each component you start is up and communicating before you start the next component. For more information, see Restarting Secure API Manager.

Use the following information to determine how many of the components you must power off and start if you have to restart a specific component.

WARNING:To restart an appliance, you must power off all of the appliances listed, start the first appliance, and ensure that the appliance is up and communicating before starting the next appliance. If you use the Restart option in the appliance management console without ensuring that the component is up and communicating, the restart will corrupt the Database Service component.

Table 4-1 Secure API Manager Component Restart Order

To restart this component ...

You must power off these components ...

Start these components In the following order ...

Database Service

All components

Database Service, Analytics, Lifecycle Manager, then API Gateway


Analytics, Lifecycle Manager, and API Gateway

Analytics, Lifecycle Manager, then API Gateway

Lifecycle Manager

Lifecycle Manager and API Gateway

Lifecycle Manager, then API Gateway

API Gateway

API Gateway

API Gateway

If you have to restart one member of a clustered Lifecycle Manager, a clustered API Gateway, or a clustered Analytics component, you do not have to restart the Database Service component. You can just restart the members of the cluster and you do not have to restart the other components. It is important to ensure that the other members of the cluster can communicate with the Database Service component before you restart a cluster member. You can restart the single, clustered member through the appliance management console. For more information, see Restarting or Shutting Down the Appliance.

4.2.2 Restarting a Test System

A test system contains all of the components on one appliance. All of the components reside in one Docker container on the appliance. Secure API Manager ensures that the components start in the correct order. You shut down or restart the appliance using the appliance management console. For more information, see Restarting or Shutting Down the Appliance.