Reflection for the Web components can be installed on a single server or on separate servers.
NOTE:Security updates for JREs that are used by Reflection for the Web and Management and Security Server (MSS) are made available through product updates.
Check the requirements for each component:
The server requirements are based on the requirements for Management and Security Server:
3.40 GHz (4 cores) and 8GB of RAM
Server-class 64-bit operating system (Windows, Linux, or UNIX)
For production, a server-class system is required. However, a workstation could be used for initial testing or evaluation.
A private OpenJDK (non-Oracle) JRE 1.8.0_<nnn> is installed by the Reflection for the Web automated installer, where <nnn> is the most recent security release as of this product release date.
See the MSS Installation Guide regarding the requirements for specific server components, such as the Security Proxy Server.
To be able to configure and manage Reflection for the Web in the MSS Administrative Console, the administrator needs:
Microsoft Windows
Any current browser
Reflection for the Web Launcher 13.2
The client requirements support the use of the MSS Assigned Sessions list, which uses the Reflection for the Web Launcher to launch Reflection for the Web sessions.
Microsoft Windows
Any current browser
Reflection for the Web Launcher 13.2
If you need to continue using Oracle JRE or the browser plug-in, contact Customer Support.
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