Create a Companion Install Package

Create a companion install package (also called a "companion database") to install any files that are not installed with Reflection.

To create a companion install package

  1. From your administrative installation point, open the Installation Customization Tool from a shortcut or by typing the following command line:

    <path_to_setup> \setup.exe /admin

  2. From the Select Customization dialog box, select Create a new Companion installer (or open an existing MSI), and then click OK.

  3. From the navigation pane, select Specify package information.

  4. In the Add/Remove name box and the Organization name box, type a name for the installation and the publisher that you want to be displayed in the Microsoft Windows "Uninstall or change a program" panel.

    NOTE:The Windows Vista and Windows 7 Uninstall or change a program list is similar to the Windows Add or Remove Programs List for previous versions of Windows. It is accessed by selecting Programs and Features from the Control Panel.

  5. From the navigation pane, select Specify install locations.

  6. Under Installation type, select whether to install the files for all users or for only one user:


    To set up the companion installer package to

    Installs to all users of a machine

    Make files available for every user who logs onto the computer.

    Use this option for settings files, macros, and other configuration files that you want to be available to all users.

    Installs only for the user who installs it

    Make files available only for the user who installs it.

    CAUTION:Important! If you are deploying files that must be installed in the user’s personal data folders, you must select this option.

  7. In the Default installation > folder list, select the folder in which to install the files. (Files are deployed to this folder unless you specify another folder when you add a file.)

    NOTE:The folders available in this list depend on which Installation type you chose. Installation Type folder options specify the access for the files (after the installation). These options affect only the folders to which you can install — you cannot change these options after you add a file.

  8. In the Default shortcut > folder list, select the folder in which to install program shortcuts. (Shortcuts are deployed to this folder unless you specify another folder when you add a file.)

    NOTE:To specify a folder location, you can select any of the predefined options in the drop-down list. The list of available locations depends on whether your installation is user-specific (the default) or for all users. For example [PersonalFolder] for user-specific installations, or [ProgramFilesFolder] for all user installations. You can edit these paths to include additional path information. For example: [PersonalFolder]\Micro Focus\reflection\. You can also manually enter full path information. For example C:\demo\path. The location you specify must exist on all target computers.

    Installation type options specify the access for the files (after the installation). These options affect only the folders to which you can install — you cannot change these options after you add a file.

  9. From the navigation pane, select Add files to add, update, or remove files or shortcuts.

    You can also modify setup properties or user settings for the companion installation.

    When you have finished creating your companion package, you can deploy it by itself or with Reflection. The package remains on the end user's computer until it is removed with the Microsoft Add/Remove Programs utility.