Blocking a Task

Any time an issue outside of the teams control prevents progress, you should Block the Task .
Important: When a Task is blocked, the Story is also Blocked.
Tip: If you are in the Task Editor, you can click the Blocked icon GUID-1B1CC3AA-A9D4-499A-989C-32B122C0B1AA-low.png in the left pane to block a Task.

GUID-13CEFE1C-3F50-4F03-947B-9D331A58F9A3-low.png Watch how to do it: Block a Task.

  1. In the TEAM ROOM, make sure that the Blocked column is visible. See Viewing Columns in Grids.


  2. Hover over the Block icon GUID-6BC0C291-8923-48A6-A1F5-205093FF2126-low.png in the Blocked column for the Task you want to block.
  3. Click the icon when it enables GUID-1B1CC3AA-A9D4-499A-989C-32B122C0B1AA-low.png. The Provide Blocking Reason dialog box opens.
  4. Enter a reason in the field and click OK. This automatically creates a Discussion Topic in the Story and notifies the Story Owner, all team members with Tasks in the Story, and anyone else called out with the @ functionality. For more information, see Discussions.
  5. The following also happens when a Task is Blocked:
    • The Title is modified to include the text Story Blocked.
    • The icon in the Blocked column changes to GUID-379A9121-3E2C-4FA1-9F88-857AE9FD673E-low.png.
    • The Story row will display GUID-12BAE6A0-DB94-465E-8DF1-5FFF703EB17E-low.png.
    • The Task row is highlighted.
    • The boxes in the Status column turn red, depending on the Status.
    • When you hover over the Blocked icon, the Task that is blocking the Story will display.
    Here is what it will look like after it is blocked:


  6. When you unblock the Task, a reply is added to the original Discussion Topic, also informing team members.
The Health and Progress pane of the TEAM ROOM will also display a blocked Story.


Tip: Click on the blocked icon to filter the TEAM ROOM to only see the blocked Task.