Create a control by opening a session document file.
This sample creates a control by opening a session document file. Before you run the sample, create and save a session document.
Sub OpenSessionDocument()
' Objects required to open a new session
Dim app As Attachmate_Reflection_Objects_Framework.ApplicationObject
Dim terminal As Attachmate_Reflection_Objects_Emulation_IbmHosts.IbmTerminal
Dim view As Attachmate_Reflection_Objects.View
Dim sessionPath As String
'Get a handle to the existing application object (the workspace)
Set app = GetObject("Reflection Workspace")
'Create a terminal control for the new session
sessionPath = Environ$("USERPROFILE") & "\Documents\Micro Focus\Reflection\" & "gettingStarted.rd3x"
Set terminal = app.CreateControl(sessionPath)
'Create the view used to display the session
Set view = ThisFrame.CreateView(terminal)
End Sub
Sub OpenSessionDocument()
'Objects required to open a new session
Dim app As Attachmate_Reflection_Objects_Framework.ApplicationObject
Dim terminal As Attachmate_Reflection_Objects_Emulation_OpenSystems.Terminal
Dim view As Attachmate_Reflection_Objects.View
Dim sessionPath As String
'Get a handle to the existing application object (the workspace)
Set app = GetObject("Reflection Workspace")
'Create a terminal control for the new session
sessionPath = Environ$("USERPROFILE") & "\Documents\Micro Focus\Reflection\" & "gettingStarted.rdox"
Set terminal = app.CreateControl(sessionPath)
'Create the view used to display the session
Set view = ThisFrame.CreateView(terminal)
End Sub