Reflection Desktop VBA Guide
Attachmate.Reflection.Objects.Emulation.OpenSystems Library / Attachmate.Reflection.Objects.Emulation.OpenSystems Library / Printing Object
Properties Methods

Printing Object Members

The following tables list the members exposed by Printing.

Public Properties
Public PropertyGets or sets whether an automatic formfeed is performed when any portion of display memory is printed.  
Public PropertyGets or sets whether raw data is sent directly to your printer, bypassing the Windows printing interface.  
Public PropertyGets or sets whether the printer is automatically flushed after printing.  
Public Property

Gets or sets whether Reflection translates data to emulate a Digital LA210 printer when a passthrough method of printing, such as printer controller mode, is used. This property applies to VT emulation only. It is not relevant if the BypassPrinterDriver property is True, or if the PrintToFile property has been set to something other than an empty string.

Public PropertyGets or sets how characters are printed under IBM 3151 emulation (TerminalType = rcIBM3151).  
Public PropertyGets or sets which end line characters are used when printing under IBM 3151 emulation (TerminalType = rcIBM3151).  
Public PropertyGets or sets which page end character is used when printing under IBM 3151 emulation (TerminalType = rcIBM3151).  
Public PropertyGets or sets whether Reflection prints the background ANSI color.  
Public PropertyGets or sets how Reflection handles printing to single- and double-sided pages.  
Public Property


Public PropertyGets or sets whether Reflection automatically sets the number of rows to be printed on each page.  
Public Property

Gets or sets the maximum width (in characters) for a printed line.

Public Property

Gets or sets whether Reflection automatically sets the current printer page orientation based on the number of columns to be printed. (The number of columns to be printed is determined by the PrinterColumns property).

Public Property

Gets or sets whether changing the number of columns in the screen display automatically changes the number of columns to be printed.

Public PropertyGets or sets whether Reflection automatically adjusts both height and width when calculating font size.
Public Property

Gets or sets the font used by Reflection when printing.

Public Property

Gets or sets whether the inverse character attribute should be ignored for printing.

Public Property

Gets or sets whether data received into display memory, either from datacomm or from the keyboard, is sent to the printer (or to a file) when a linefeed is received.

Public Property

Gets or sets the size of the bottom margin of printed output.

Public Property

Gets or sets the size of the left margin of printed output.

Public Property

Gets or sets the size of the right margin of printed output.

Public Property

Gets or sets the size of the top margin of printed output.

Public Property

Gets or sets the printer page orientation used by Reflection. Changing the value of this property affects printing done by Reflection, but does not change your operating system's printer settings.

Public Property

Gets or sets the paper size you have set for your printer.

Public Property

Gets or sets the paper source you have set for your printer.

Public Property

Gets or sets whether escape sequences (code characters 0-31) are sent directly to the printer. (This property is valid only when a passthrough method of printing, such as HP Record mode or VT printer Controller mode, is used.)

Public Property

Gets or sets whether Reflection translates data when a passthrough method of printing, such as HP Record mode or VT printer Controller mode, is being used.

Public Property

Gets or sets the maximum number of rows that can be printed on a page.

Public Property

Gets or sets the number of seconds that Reflection waits after a host print job is completed before closing the printer automatically. (This property is used in host-controlled printing situations where the host does not close the printer at the completion of a printing job.)

Public Property

Gets or sets whether or not the background is printed when you print ReGIS graphics images.

Public Property

Gets or sets whether graphics images are printed using color or black and white. This property applies only when sending sixel data to the host or a Digital printer when BypassPrinterDriver is True.

Public Property

Gets or sets the color coordinate system used for color sixel printing. This property is relevant only when PrintGraphicsColor is set to PrintGraphicsColorOption_Color and BypassPrinterDriver is True.

Public Property

Gets or sets whether printing is directed to the printer or a file.

Public Property

Gets or sets whether Reflection uses the default printer font when printing.

Public Methods
Public MethodFlush the printer.  
Public MethodPrint all or part of the screen.  
Public MethodPrint a file.  
Public MethodPrint a string.  
See Also