Saves changes to current hotspots map. If the current hotspots map (identified by the HotspotsMap property) resides in the installation directory and cannot be written to, the map is saved to the current user's Hotspots Maps subfolder underneath the Reflection folder, using the terminal session name as the hotspot map filename.
Return Value
One of the following ReturnCode enumeration values, unless an exception has been thrown.
Member |
Description |
Cancelled |
Cancelled. |
Error |
Error. |
PermissionRequired |
Permission is required. |
Success |
Success. |
Timeout |
Timeout condition. |
Truncated |
The text is truncated. |
Exception | Description |
IO.IOException |
An I/O error occurred while trying to save the hotspots map.
Security.SecurityException |
The caller does not have the required permission to save the hotspots map.
This example creates a hotspot on an item in an option list (the "mtest2" option) and saves it to a custom hostpots map.
'This example creates a hotspot on an item in an option list (the "mtest2" option) and saves it to a custom hostpots map.
' 1. mtest1 - Greeting
' 2. mtest2 - Test2
' 3. mtest3 - Selective Erase
'When double-clicked, the hotspot enters "2" on the command line to select that option.
Sub AddAHotspotToACustomHotSpotsMap()
'Create a new action sequence
Dim myActionSeq As New InputMapActionSequence
'Add an action to send menu item "2" and add the action to the action sequence
Dim myAction As New InputMapAction
myAction.ActionId = InputMapActionID_SendHostTextAction
myAction.AddParameter "2" & Chr(13)
myActionSeq.Add myAction
'Add an action to send the Enter control key and add this action to the action sequence
Dim myAction2 As New InputMapAction
myAction2.ActionId = InputMapActionID_SendHostKeyAction
myAction2.AddParameterAsInteger ControlKeyCode_Enter
myActionSeq.Add myAction2
'Add a new hotspot that is activated by the 'mtest2' string on the screen menu item 2
Dim myHotSpot As New Hotspot
myHotSpot.text = "mtest2"
'Add a tooltip for the hotspot
myHotSpot.Tooltip = "Go to Test 2"
'Link the action sequence to the hotspot
Set myHotSpot.ActionSequence = myActionSeq
'Add the new hotspot to the currently selected hotspots
ThisScreen.ScreenHotSpots.AddHotspot myHotSpot
'Make sure Hotspots are enabled and display as buttons
ThisScreen.ScreenHotSpots.HotSpotsEnabled = True
ThisScreen.ScreenHotSpots.HotSpotStyle = HotspotStyleOption_Button
'Apply the hotspots
'At this point you can use the new hotspot in the session -- but it is "in memory" only
'If you are using a custom hotspot map that resides in your user data directory, you can save the current hotspot map using the Save method. This doesn't work if you
'are using a default hotspot in the programs directory because saving a default hotspot just creates a new file in the user data directory and doesn't reassign it to the session.
'If you are using a default hotspot, save the current hotspots in a new hotspots map file and assign it to the session as follows:
'Dim newHotspotsMap As String
'newHotspotsMap = Environ("USERPROFILE") & "\Documents\micro focus\reflection\Hotspots Maps\MyCustomHotspotsMap.xhs"
'ThisScreen.ScreenHotSpots.SaveAs (newHotspotsMap)
'Assign the new hotspot map to the session
'ThisScreen.ScreenHotSpots.HotspotsMap = newHotspotsMap
End Sub