ConnectionSettingsSecureShell Object Members
The following tables list the members exposed by ConnectionSettingsSecureShell.
| Name | Description |
 | ConnectMacro | Gets or specifies the name of a macro that runs automatically after a connection is established. You can use the ConnectMacroData property to specify information to be passed to this macro. |
 | ConnectMacroData | Gets or specifies a string that passes information to a connect macro. When your connect macro runs, the value of MacroData is set equal to the value of ConnectMacroData. |
 | DisconnectScriptArgs | Gets or sets the text string containing the arguments to pass to a disconnect script. |
 | DisconnectScriptFile | Gets or sets the text string containing the name of a Reflection Basic script to run when the connection is closed. |
 | ExitAllowed | When set to true, users can exit Reflection and use the Disconnect command while connected to a host. |
 | ExitOnDisconnect | When set to true, Reflection closes automatically when you disconnect from the host. |
 | HostAddress | Gets or sets the name of the host to connect to. |
 | LowerCaseUserName | Specifies whether Reflection converts your user name to all lowercase letters. |
 | Parent | Gets the parent object (Terminal). |
 | Parity | Gets or sets the type of parity on the connection. |
 | ScriptArgs | Gets or sets the text string containing the arguments to pass to a connect script. |
 | ScriptFile | Gets or sets the text string containing the name of a Reflection Basic script (for example, a logon script) to run when the connection is established. |
 | ScriptType | Gets or sets the type of script file, either Reflection Basic or Reflection command language. |
 | SSHConfigScheme | Specifies the SSH config scheme settings to use for making a Secure Shell connection. |
 | SSHPort | Specifies the protocol port to use to establish the Secure Shell connection. |
 | SSHSetHostWindowSize | When this value is true, Reflection sends the number of rows and columns to the host when they change, enabling it to control the cursor if the window size changes. |
 | SSHShowBannerDialog | Specifies whether Reflection displays banner information in a dialog box before completing the Secure Shell connection. |
 | SSHTermDefault | The terminal type string that is sent as a backup to the Telnet server if the server requests this information and doesn't recognize the current value set for SSHTermType. |
 | SSHTermType | The terminal type string that is sent to the server if the server requests this information during the suboption TERM negotiation stage of the connection. |
 | SSHTermWindowAuth | When this value is true, a Secure Shell connection will use the terminal window for the user authentication, displaying the server banner and checking the host key (Normally, all these are done in separate dialogs). This log-in behavior is similar to telnet and allows for scripting. |
 | Timeout | Specifies the time (in milliseconds) during which Reflection attempts to make a connection before timing out. |
 | UsePCUserName | Specifies whether Reflection uses the current Windows user name as the user name for this connections. |
 | UserName | A string specifying the user name. |