Reflection Desktop VBA Guide
Attachmate.Reflection.Objects.Emulation.IbmHosts Library / Attachmate.Reflection.Objects.Emulation.IbmHosts Library / DefinedEventHandler Event
The event identifier. This corresponds to the DefineEvent return value.
The type of event.This is a DefinedEventType Enumeration value that indicates the type of event fired.
When pertinent, the string value associated with the event.
When pertinent, the screen row associated with the event.
When pertinent, the screen column associated with the event.
In This Topic
DefinedEventHandler Event
In This Topic
This event is triggered when an event defined by the DefineEvent method occurs. Events defined in this way remain defined as long as your Reflection session lasts, or until they are removed using the RemoveEvent or ClearEvents methods.
Public Delegate Sub DefinedEventHandler( _
   ByVal EventNumber As Integer, _
   ByVal EventType As DefinedEventType, _
   ByVal TheString As String, _
   ByVal Row As Integer, _
   ByVal Column As Integer _


The event identifier. This corresponds to the DefineEvent return value.
The type of event.This is a DefinedEventType Enumeration value that indicates the type of event fired.
When pertinent, the string value associated with the event.
When pertinent, the screen row associated with the event.
When pertinent, the screen column associated with the event.
See Also