Reflection Desktop VBA Guide
Attachmate.Reflection.Objects Library / Attachmate.Reflection.Objects.Web.Msie Library / WebElement Object / GetElement Method
An XPath path pointing to a WebElement in the WebDocument. XPath is a language that describes how to locate specific elements in XML documents by using an addressing syntax, based on a path through the document's logical structure or hierarchy. A sample XPath syntax: HTML/BODY/TABLE/TBODY/TR[1]/TD[1], where WebElement index starts from 0.
In This Topic
GetElement Method (WebElement)
In This Topic
Gets the first Web element by an XPath path, relative to the current Web element.
expression.GetElement( _
   ByVal xPath As String _
) As WebElement object 
where expression is a variable that represents a WebElement Object


An XPath path pointing to a WebElement in the WebDocument. XPath is a language that describes how to locate specific elements in XML documents by using an addressing syntax, based on a path through the document's logical structure or hierarchy. A sample XPath syntax: HTML/BODY/TABLE/TBODY/TR[1]/TD[1], where WebElement index starts from 0.

Return Value

A WebElement object, or Nothing if no WebElement is found.
This example navigates to a Web page and clicks on a link in the page. To run this sample, create and open a Web session and run this code in the session code module.
Sub webClick()
    'Declare variables: 
    Dim wControl As Attachmate_Reflection_Objects.WebControl
    Dim wDocument As WebDocument
    Dim wElement As WebElement
    Dim wElementInput As WebElement   
    Set wControl = ThisWebControl
    'Get a handle to the workspace
    Set app = GetObject("Reflection Workspace")
    'Go to the Host Access Analyzer documentation page
    wControl.Navigate1 ("")
    'Wait until the Web page is ready and then set it as the Web document
    Do Until wControl.ReadyState = WebBrowserReadyState_Complete
      app.Wait (1000)
    Set wDocument = wControl.Document
    'Get the table that includes the link
    Set wElement = wDocument.GetElementById("getting_started")
    'Get the link element
    Set wElementInput = wElement.GetElement("tbody/tr[0]/td[0]/a[0]")
    'Click the link
    'Print the tag name of the element
    Debug.Print wElementInput.tagName
End Sub
See Also