Reflection Desktop VBA Guide
Attachmate.Reflection.Objects.Emulation.OpenSystems Library / Attachmate.Reflection.Objects.Emulation.OpenSystems Library / InputMapActionSequence Object / Add Method
The InputMapAction object to add.
In This Topic
Add Method (InputMapActionSequence)
In This Topic
Adds an action to the action sequence.
expression.Add( _
   ByVal action As InputMapAction _
where expression is a variable that represents a InputMapActionSequence Object


The InputMapAction object to add.
This example creates two actions and adds them to an action sequence. Then it creates a hotspot and adds the action sequence to the hotspot.
'This example creates a hotspot on an item in an option list (the "mtest3" option).
'    1. mtest1   - Greeting
'    2. mtest2   - Test2
'    3. mtest3   - Selective Erase
'When double-clicked, the hotspot enters "3" on the command line to select that option.
Sub AddHotspotAndCreateHotspotMap()
    'Create a new action sequence
    Dim myActionSeq As New InputMapActionSequence
    'Add an action to send menu item "3" and add the action to the action sequence
    Dim myAction As New InputMapAction
    myAction.ActionId = InputMapActionID_SendHostTextAction
    myAction.AddParameter "3" & Chr(13)
    myActionSeq.Add myAction
    'Add an action to send the Enter control key and add this action to the action sequence
    Dim myAction2 As New InputMapAction
    myAction2.ActionId = InputMapActionID_SendHostKeyAction
    myAction2.AddParameterAsInteger ControlKeyCode_Enter
    myActionSeq.Add myAction2
    'Add a new hotspot that is activated by the 'mtest3' string on the screen menu item 3
    Dim myHotSpot As New Hotspot
    myHotSpot.text = "mtest3"
    'Add a tooltip for the hotspot
    myHotSpot.Tooltip = "Go to Selective Erase"
    'Link the action sequence to the hotspot
    Set myHotSpot.ActionSequence = myActionSeq
    'Add the new hotspot to the currently selected hotspots map
    ThisScreen.ScreenHotSpots.AddHotspot myHotSpot
    'Make sure Hotspots are enabled and display as buttons
    ThisScreen.ScreenHotSpots.HotSpotsEnabled = True
    ThisScreen.ScreenHotSpots.HotSpotStyle = HotspotStyleOption_Button
    'Apply the hotspots
    'At this point you can use the new hotspot in the session -- but it is "in memory" only
    'If you are using a custom hotspot map that resides in your user data directory, you can save the current hotspot map using the Save method. This doesn't work if you
    'are using a default hotspot in the programs directory because saving a default hotspot just creates a new file in the user data directory and doesn't reassign it to the session.
    'If you are using a default hotspot, save the current hotspots in a new hotspots map file and assign it to the session as follows:
    Dim newHotspotsMap As String
    newHotspotsMap = Environ("USERPROFILE") & "\Documents\micro focus\reflection\Hotspots Maps\MyCustomHotspotsMap.xhs"
    ThisScreen.ScreenHotSpots.SaveAs (newHotspotsMap)
    'Assign the new hotspot map to the session
    ThisScreen.ScreenHotSpots.HotspotsMap = newHotspotsMap
End Sub
See Also