1.8 Network Access and Communications

Ensure that your network environment meets the PlateSpin Transformation Manager requirements for access, discovery, and migration.

For information about the network access requirements for PlateSpin Migrate, see Access and Communication Requirements across Your Migration Network in the PlateSpin Migrate 2019.5 User Guide.

1.8.1 Public Internet Access

If VPN or WAN access is not available to remote locations in your migration environment, PlateSpin Transformation Manager must be able to communicate across the public Internet from the source environment to the target platform environment.

To provide Internet access through a proxy server, you must configure the PTM Appliance as a proxy client for your proxy server after you deploy and complete the installation of the appliance. See Configure Proxy Client Settings.

1.8.2 Appliance Management Console: Ports and Firewalls

PlateSpin Transformation Manager Appliance communications use the following ports. Ports are opened by default for the PTM Appliance, as noted. Ensure that you open the following ports in all firewalls in your network between the PTM Appliance and the computers you use to access the appliance and software.

Table 1-6 Communications Ports for Appliance Management




Appliance Management Console

  • 9443
  • (HTTPS, secure SSL)

Use this port to securely manage the PTM Appliance.

Transformation Manager Database (PostgreSQL)


If you configure a remote PostgreSQL database for the PTM Appliance, this port is used by PTM to access to your remote database. PostgreSQL allows TCP traffic, incoming and outgoing. Secure traffic by enabling SSL in the postgresql.conffile on your remote PostgreSQL server.

This port is closed by default if the PostgreSQL is installed on the PTM Appliance.



You can use SSH to remotely access the PTM Appliance to start, stop, or restart it without using a VMware client.

SSH is disabled by default. See Starting, Stopping, or Restarting System Services.

1.8.3 PTM Web Interface: Ports and Firewalls

PlateSpin Transformation Manager uses the following ports for PTM Server. Ensure that you open the following ports in all firewalls in your network between the PTM Appliance and the computers you use to access the appliance and the PTM-related services running on it.

Table 1-7 Communications Ports for the Transformation Manager Web Interface




Web Interface

  • 8183
  • (HTTPS, secure SSL; allow TCP traffic, incoming and outgoing)
  • 8182
  • (HTTP, non-secure; allow TCP traffic, incoming and outgoing)

Port 8183 is enabled by default.

NOTE:Micro Focus recommends that you use the secure port and SSL options for accessing the Web Interface.

For security reasons, port 8182 is disabled by default.

1.8.4 Event Messaging: Ports and Firewalls

Table 1-8 shows the protocol and port required for event messaging between the PTM Server and the PlateSpin Migrate Connector instances registered with PTM Server. Each Migrate Connector instance also handles event messages for its assigned PlateSpin Migrate servers.

NOTE:The messages reflect events and state changes and do not contain sensitive information.

Table 1-8 Event Messaging Requirements for Network Protocols and Ports


Network Protocol and Port

Other Requirements

Event Messaging

61613 (Stomp, allow TCP, incoming)

(not secure)

This port is open by default on the PTM Appliance VM.

Open this port on all other Connector host servers, the PlateSpin Migrate servers configured for the project, and the firewalls between them.