8.2 Viewing Workload Health and Status

Table 8-1 identifies the various ways to view health and status information for workloads.

Table 8-1 Views of Workload Health and Status

Health and Status View

How to View

Overview of workload status for a project, wave, or batch

  1. Select Dashboard, then view the Workload Status panel.

  2. Set the project, wave, or batch to customize the report.

  3. Click the column heading link to view the list of workloads for each reported state.

Workloads in a particular Health state

  1. Select Project > Workloads tab > Advanced Search.

  2. Under Planning, select Health and choose the state of interest.

Workloads in a particular Transformation State

  1. Select Project > Workloads tab > Advanced Search.

  2. Under Planning, select Status or Sub Status and choose the state of interest.

Workloads that are on hold

  1. Select Project > Workloads tab > Advanced Search.

  2. Under Planning, select On Hold and choose True.

- OR -

  1. Select Dashboard, then view the Workload Status panel.

  2. Set the project, wave, or batch to customize the report.

  3. Click the On Holdheading link to view the list of workloads that are on hold.

Workload status for multiple workloads

  1. Select Project > Workloads tab to view the Workloads list.

  2. Use Advanced Search to narrow your search to the workloads of interest.

  3. In the Workloads list, the Status column shows the transformation workflow state and the migration sub state.

  4. Pause over the state or sub state message to view details in a tooltip.

Workload status for a single workload

  1. Select Project > Workloads tab.

  2. In the Workloads list, locate and double-click the workload of interest to open the Workload dialog.

  3. View the health and status information in the header area.