PlateSpin Transformation Manager supports the bulk import of multiple machines at a time to your transformation project. Bulk import refers to loading data about the machines from a specially formatted Microsoft Excel 97-2003 (.xls) spreadsheet file to a previously defined project.
For each newly imported machine, the import automatically configures its source workload and an initial target workload. The workloads are then available in the Web Interface for further association with the project resources, users, and schedules. After you edit a target workload by using the Workload dialog or the Bulk Edit options, any re-imported workload information applies only to the source workload.
The spreadsheet allows you to import a variety of data about each machine. PlateSpin Transformation Manager requires only the discovery IP address or FQDN (fully qualified domain name) and the type of machine (physical, virtual, or cloud). Predefined and custom parameters allow you to specify more details about the workloads, depending on your needs.
NOTE:If a PlateSpin Migrate Connector is available to the project, the successful import of workloads initiates an automated discovery process that retrieves details about the source workloads.
You use your own spreadsheet software to create the Bulk Import spreadsheet. You can leverage the data in your network inventory records by mapping and exporting data to one or more versions of the Bulk Import spreadsheet.
The Spreadsheet Import function in the PlateSpin Transformation Manager Web Interface provides the following tools to help you validate the spreadsheet for import:
Validate: The Validate tool checks the spreadsheet format to identify the types of data it contains, performs limited checks of values, and identifies errors.
Transformation Manager restricts what values are possible for some parameters, and expects text or numbers for others. It also checks the various parameters to ensure all expected values are present. Otherwise, it accepts the values you input for the parameters. It does not validate the values for a machine against the actual machine in your network environment.
For re-imported machines, the Validate tool also checks the current workflow state for the machine. It ignores rows for machines that have already been submitted for transformation. You can withdraw the machine from transformation to make it eligible again for re-import.
You can re-submit the spreadsheet iteratively until all rows of data are valid, and the spreadsheet is ready for import.
Validation Results: The Validation Results reporting tool provides the Validation Status for each machine in the spreadsheet. For each invalid row, it identifies the type and location of errors. It also identifies which rows are ignored. You can view results for all rows, valid rows, invalid rows, and ignored rows.
Get Results: The Get Results tool allows you to download a Results spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel 97-2003 (.xls) format. In addition to the Validation Status for each machine, it adds the following information if the column is present:
Workload ID
The Spreadsheet Import workflow, shown in Figure A-1, includes the tasks you perform to prepare the data for import, as well as the tasks required to validate that data before you can import it to your PlateSpin Transformation Manager environment.
Figure A-1 Spreadsheet Import Workflow
To import or update data for one or multiple machines in a project:
Collect data about the machines for a single transformation project in a spreadsheet, and save it in Microsoft Excel 97-2003 (.xls) format.
A template for this specially formatted spreadsheet is available in the Spreadsheet Import dialog.
Open the Spreadsheet Import dialog.
Select the project, then browse and select the spreadsheet you prepared.
Validate the spreadsheet.
View the validation results by all rows, valid rows, invalid rows, or ignored rows.
If rows are invalid, download an annotated Results spreadsheet. PTM adds validation information that can help you to troubleshoot issues.
For each invalid row, correct the errors according to the various validation messages, then clear its Validation Status cell.
Repeat Step 2 to Step 7 iteratively until all rows are valid.
After all rows are valid, import the spreadsheet.
For each machine with an empty Validation Status cell, PTM does the following:
Creates or updates the source workload and the target workload (if it is unedited) for the machine.
(Connector) If a PlateSpin Migrate Connector is enabled and active for the project, automated discovery retrieves additional information about each imported workload if you provide credentials in the spreadsheet. Discovery status is available in the Workloads list.
Generates the Results spreadsheet and includes the following information, as appropriate:
Machine data
Validation Status of Imported
Workload ID of the source workload
NIC UUID for each NIC instance
Disk UUID for each disk instance
(Optional) Before you close the Spreadsheet Import dialog, download the Results spreadsheet.
(Optional) Re-import data for a machine from the same or different Bulk Import spreadsheet. A re-import can add new data or modify previously submitted data.