PTM 2 Administrator Guide

The PlateSpin Transformation Manager Administrator Guide provides information about tasks that require PTM Administrator privileges. It includes conceptual information, an overview of the administrator-level options in the Web Interface, and step-by-step guidance for common administrative tasks.

The PTM System Administrator user automatically has the Administrator privileges required to perform administrative tasks. You can also grant Administrator privileges to trusted users by assigning them to the Administrators group in PTM.

IMPORTANT:PTM Administrators have global access to application options and data across all projects.

For information about using the product to plan and execute transformation projects, see the PTM 2 User Guide.

Intended Audience

This document is intended for PTM application administrators who configure and maintain application features and user access.

Additional Documentation

For the most recent version of this guide and other PlateSpin Transformation Manager documentation resources, visit the PlateSpin Transformation Manager 2 Documentation website.


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Getting Started

As an Administrator user of PlateSpin Transformation Manager, you are responsible for configuring and maintaining the application and migration environment for project users. This section provides and overview of the product, administrative tasks, and the tools you use.


PlateSpin Transformation Manager enables a user with the System Administrator role to configure settings for PlateSpin Transformation Manager that apply to all transformation projects.


Access to PlateSpin Transformation Manager requires a user account. Through the user account, a user receives permissions to perform tasks for one or more assigned transformation projects. The default System Administrator user and other users assigned to the System Administrator role have the permissions necessary to create, manage, and delete users, groups, and organizations. This section describes common user management tasks.


PlateSpin Transformation Manager provides the tools you need to create elements and organize them to define your transformation projects.

PlateSpin Migrate Connector

PlateSpin Migrate Connector for PlateSpin Transformation Manager provides discovery services for source workloads and target platforms. The Connector also enables you to execute automated migrations and track manual migrations from PTM by using PlateSpin Migrate. It provides integration services between your PTM Server and one or more PlateSpin Migrate servers.

Use the information in this section to install and configure Connector instances in your migration environment.