G.2 Migrate Agent Utility for Windows

G.2.1 Downloading and Installing Migrate Agent on a Source Windows Workload

To download and install the Migrate Agent utility for Windows to the source workload:

  1. Log in to the source Windows machine as the Administrator user.

  2. In a web browser, launch the PlateSpin Migrate Web Interface and log in.

  3. Click the Downloads tab.

  4. Click the Migrate Agent application link for the Windows target platform, then save the compressed MigrateAgent.cli.exe file.

  5. Extract the contents of the file to access the executable file.

  6. (Optional) View the Migrate Agent Help by entering

    MigrateAgent.cli.exe -h

G.2.2 Migrate Agent Commands for Windows

The syntax for running the Migrate Agent utility for Windows is:

MigrateAgent.cli.exe {command} [command_option] [/psserver=%IP%]

Table G-1 describes the commands, command options, and switch available for the MigrateAgent.cli.exe command on Windows.

Table G-1 Migrate Agent Utility for Windows Commands, Command Options, and Switch




h | ? | help

Displays usage and options for the command.

logs | view-logs

Opens the application log directory.

reg | register

/reg /psserver=%IP% /username=<username> [[ /password=<password>] | [/pwdfile=<path-to-password-file>]] [/proxyurl=<your-proxy-server-url>]

If you do not specify the password or a path to a file that contains the password, you will be prompted for the password. The password is obscured as you type it and it does not appear in the process list.


MigrateAgent.cli.exe /register /psserver= /username=jsmith /password=jspwd

Registers this machine as a workload on the specified server. It also checks for driver upgrades from the specified PlateSpin Server.

Enables you to add workloads that cannot be discovered. Registered workloads differ from discovered workloads in the following ways:

  • Registered source workloads do not store the source credentials.

  • You must use Migrate Agent to install, upgrade, and remove Block-based Transfer (BBT) drivers from registered source workloads.

  • After you delete the contract for a registered source workload, you must manually remove the OFX controller from the workload. To remove the OFX controller from the workload, see KB Article.


/status [/psserver=%IP%]

Shows installation status for the PlateSpin controller and drivers on this workload.

If you specify the PlateSpin Server, it checks for driver upgrades from the server.

din | driver-install

/din [/psserver=%IP%] [/proxyurl=<your-proxy-server-url>]

Installs the PlateSpin drivers.

NOTE:Before you install block-based transfer drivers on source Windows workloads, ensure that you have applied the latest Windows updates on the workload.

If you specify the PlateSpin Server, it checks for driver upgrades from the server.

dup | driver-upgrade

/dup [/psserver=%IP%] [/proxyurl=<your-proxy-server-url>]

Upgrades the PlateSpin drivers.

If you specify the PlateSpin Server, it checks for driver upgrades from the server.

dun | driver-uninstall

[/dun /psserver=%IP%]

Uninstalls the PlateSpin drivers.

con | config

/con /setting=<setting_name>:<value>


migrateagent.cli.exe /config /setting=psserver:

Specifies the name of the setting and its value to change in the configuration file on this workload.

The psserver option stops the OFX Controller (ofxcontroller) service, modifies the OfxController.exe.config file with the new IP address, and restarts the service. If you modify the public IP address of the PlateSpin Server, you must run this command on each of the source workloads that are configured for the server.



Specifies the IPv4 address of the PlateSpin Server.

Downloads the block-based transfer drivers from the specified server when you invoke the status, driver-install, or driver-upgrade options.

Command Options



Specifies the PlateSpin Server user name for an administrator-level user with rights to add a workload.

password | pwd | p

/password= value

Specifies the password for the specified PlateSpin Server user name.

If you exclude the password from the command line, the script will prompt for it. The password is obscured as you type it and it does not appear in the process list.

Do not combine this option with the pwdfile option.

pwdfile | pf


Specifies the path to a file that contains the password for the specified PlateSpin Server user name.

Do not combine this option with the password option.



Specifies the setting name and value of the configuration setting to modify.

Supported setting names are:

  • psserver
  • altAddress
  • heartbeat

proxyurl | pr




Specify the HTTP proxy URL in the following format to send all HTTP and HTTPS traffic to Migrate Server through the proxy server:

  • http://<proxy-server-fqdn>:<port-number>


MigrateAgent.cli.exe /register /psserver= /username=jsmith /password=jspwd /proxyurl=http://myproxy.example.com:8088

Proxy URL to use for connecting to the PlateSpin server.

If HTTP and HTTPS communications with the PlateSpin Migrate Server are required to go through your proxy server, you can use the proxyurl option to specify the URL of your proxy server. Include the option with the following commands on source Windows workloads:

  • reg|register
  • din|driver-install
  • dup|driver-upgrade

The MigrateAgent.cli.exe status command reports whether a proxy is set for the PlateSpin Controller Service. If a proxy is set, the Proxy URL parameter displays the proxy URL.

NOTE:PlateSpin Migrate requires that you open port 3725 in your firewall for data transfer and communications between workloads. Migrate will not send data traffic through your proxy server.