2.4 About PlateSpin Migrate Server Templates in Cloud Marketplaces

PlateSpin Migrate provides preconfigured templates for PlateSpin Migrate server in the Amazon Web Services Marketplace and in the Azure Marketplace. For usage information, see Table 2-4.

Table 2-4 PlateSpin Migrate Server Templates in Cloud Marketplaces

Cloud Marketplace


Microsoft Azure Global

Use for migration of Windows and Linux workloads to or from your Azure account in the Azure global cloud environment.

See Deploying a Migrate Server Image in Azure.

Microsoft Azure China

Use for migration of Windows and Linux workloads to or from your Azure account in the Azure China cloud environment

See Deploying a Migrate Server Image in Azure.

Each template sets up a Migrate server in your cloud account:

  • It configures essential ports in a network security group for the virtual host VM.

  • It creates a virtual host VM that has been sized according to your specifications.

  • It applies a Migrate server image that contains the prerequisite software, Migrate server software, and the PlateSpin database.

  • Migrate server is preconfigured with default settings for advanced PlateSpin Configuration parameters for the cloud environment.

You must perform these tasks manually when you install Migrate server on your own virtual host.