Specification of package Miop.Miop_Gateway

 ==================================================== --
 ===  Code automatically generated by IDL to Ada  === --
 ===  compiler OrbAda-idl2ada                     === --
 ===  Copyright Top Graph'X  1997-2001            === --
 ==================================================== --
 From IDL file gateway.idl
with Corba_Ios ;
with Corba.Value ;
with Corba.Object ;
with Miop.Gateway ;
with Corba.Iop ;
pragma Elaborate_All (Corba.Value) ;
package MIOP.Miop_Gateway is

   type Value_Ref is new Corba.Value.Base with null record;

    Methods inherited from MIOP.Gateway

    Methods of this valuetype --

    Get the reference to use for MIOP emission
    In addition to the MIOP profile, this reference contains
    an IIOP profile to be used by non MIOP-aware ORBs
    The initializer Create_Gateway must be called first
   function Get_Group_Reference
      (Self : in Value_Ref) return Corba.Object.Ref ;

    Not yet implemented
   function Get_Group_Url
      (Self : in Value_Ref) return Corba.String ;

    Create the gateway to use for MIOP operations
    Id is the repository id of the interface implemented by the group
    Two_Way_Ref is the reference which can handle two-way calls
   function Create_Gateway
      ( Id : in CORBA.RepositoryId;
        Group : in Corba.Iop.Group_Info;
        Multicast_Address : in MIOP.Address;
        Port : in Corba.Short ;
        Two_Way_Ref : in Corba.Object.Ref'class)
      return Value_Ref ;

   Null_Value_Ref : constant Value_Ref := (Corba.Value.Base
       with null record);

   Miop_Gateway_R_Id : constant Corba.RepositoryId :=
      Corba.To_Corba_String ("IDL:MIOP/Miop_Gateway:1.0") ;
end MIOP.Miop_Gateway;

List of definition uses

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