Specification of package Messaging.Poller.Impl
==================================================== --
=== Code automatically generated by IDL to Ada === --
=== compiler OrbAda-idl2ada === --
=== Copyright Top Graph'X 1997-2001 === --
==================================================== --
From IDL file Messaging.idl
with Tgx.Ios ;
with Corba.Iop ;
with Corba.Impl ;
with Corba.Intern ;
with Corba.Pollable.Impl ;
package Messaging.Poller.Impl is
type Object is new CORBA.Pollable.Impl.Object with
Target : Corba.Object.Ref;
Op_Name : Corba.Iop.String_Constant;
Handler : Messaging.ReplyHandler.Ref;
Is_From_Poller : Corba.Boolean := False;
Orb : Natural := 0 ;
Service : Corba.Service_Identity := 0 ;
Reply : Corba.Intern.Pending_Reply ;
end record;
type Object_Ptr is access all Object'class;
Methods of this valuetype --
function Get_operation_target
(Self : access Object) return Corba.Object.Ref ;
procedure Set_operation_target
(Self : access Object;
To : in Corba.Object.Ref) ;
function Get_operation_name
(Self : access Object) return Corba.String ;
function Get_associated_handler
(Self : access Object) return Messaging.ReplyHandler.Ref ;
procedure Set_associated_handler
(Self : access Object;
To : in Messaging.ReplyHandler.Ref) ;
function Get_is_from_poller
(Self : access Object) return Corba.Boolean ;
procedure Set_is_from_poller
(Self : access Object;
To : in Corba.Boolean) ;
Methods inherited from valuetype CORBA.Pollable
function create_pollable_set
( Self : access Object)
return PollableSet_Forward.Ref ;
Intrinsic Methods --
procedure Set_Stream_Or_Raise ( Self : access Object ;
Stream : access Corba_Ios.Iop_Stream_Type ;
Timeout : in Corba.Unsigned_Long) ;
function Is_A
(Self : access Object ;
Id : in Corba.RepositoryId ) return Boolean ;
function Get_RepositoryId
(Self : access Object) return Corba.RepositoryId ;
end Messaging.Poller.Impl;
List of definition uses
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