A.3.1 Managing DFS Operations

dfstool is a command line utility for managing DFS operations. Make sure you are logged in as the root user in the terminal console.

Table A-5 Operations supported by DFSTOOL



dfstool -c

Create junction.

dfstool -d

Delete junction.

dfstool -m

Rename the junction name and modify the target path.

dfstool -s

List the scan details of the selected volume.

dfstool -l

Provide you a list of junctions inside the volume after the scan is completed.

dfstool -M

Move an NSS volume to another existing NSS volume.

dfstool -S

Split part of a volume’s file structure and data, from a volume to another new or an existing volume in the same DFS management context.

dfstool -C

Create DFS Management Context.

dfstool -D

Delete DFS Management Context.

dfstool -R

Repair the VLDB service for a DFS replica server. Accepts an optional repair level as input.

  • Rebuild: This is the default level. When you rebuild a database, the VLDB service walks the eDirectory tree, looks at volume and server objects, and then completely rebuilds the database from scratch.

  • Lowlevel: This is an additional level. This repair option restores the last saved copy of the database.

  • Refresh: This is an additional level. The VLDB service gets a copy of the database from another server that is currently running the service.

dfstool --start-vldb

Start the VLDB service.

dfstool --stop-vldb

Stop the VLDB service.

dfstool --activate-vldb

Activate the VLDB service.

dfstool --deactivate-vldb

Deactivate the VLDB service.

dfstool -L

View information about the VLDB service. Accepts an optional information type as input.

  • Basicinfo: This is the default level. Display the basic information about the VLDB service.

  • Statistics: This is an additional level. Display the statistical information about the VLDB service.

  • Repair: This is an additional level. Display information about the currently running repair operation (if any) and the most recently completed repair operation.

  • Complete: This is an additional level. Display a complete report related to the VLDB service.

dfstool --job-list

List all volume jobs.

dfstool --pause-job

Pause the running volume job. To add a comment, use the --pause-comment option.

dfstool --resume-job

Resume the volume job that is currently in the Pause state.

dfstool --cancel-job

Delete the volume job.

Cancels a job before it starts or at a specific point in the move or split process. If the process has progressed past a particular point, it returns an error message to prevents you from deleting the process.

If the deletion continues, it stops the job at the next convenient phase in the process but does not clean up. The target volume still exists, and it contains all of the files that were copied there before you deleted the task. Deleted jobs are displayed in the status report for one week by default.

dfstool --reschedule-job

Reschedule the volume job to a specified date and time using the --start-time option.

dfstool --list-skippedfiles

List the skipped files for a particular job where the status is in filesskipped.

Table A-6 DFSTOOL Command Options



-v, --version

Display the program version information.

-h, --help

Displays the help screen.

-A, --auth-targetpath-check 

Check for target path existence for non OES targets by authentication.

-n, --name

Enter a new name for the junction.

-T, --target-type

Add a new target type which can be either OES or non-OES. The default option is OES.

-t, --target

Target of a juncton. The format is volumeName[/path/to/directory] for oes targets and serverName/SMBShare/path/to/directory for non-oes targets.

-u, --username

Enter the username. If you do not specify a username, you will be prompted to enter one.

-p, --password

Enter the password. If you do not specify a password, you will be prompted to enter a password.

-H, --no-header

Does not display the header and the footer when displaying the junctions in the table format.

-i, --ignore-targetpath-check 

Ignore the validation of target path existence for non OES targets.

-j, --json

List of junctions in JSON format.

-P, --vldbpath

Enter a VLDB path. The default path is /var/opt/novell/dfs.


Specify the time to start the move or split job. The input format is YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.


Specify the comment for the --pause-job option. This parameter is optional.


Name of the target server. This can be either FQDN or short name.

  • FQDN: Ensure to add period at the beginning and at the end of the target server. Example: .serverName.context.treeName.

  • Short Name: No period or tree details is required here. Example: serverName.context.

Use this option if you need the target volume from a certain OES server but you have two or more volumes with the same name on separate OES servers.