17.2 DSfW with DNS

17.2.1 Changes for DNS

Domain Services for Windows no longer uses bind from the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server. Novell-bind is installed by default when the DSfW pattern is selected. DSfW configures novell-bind on the forest root domain (FRD) by default.The first DSfW server in the eDirectory tree (forest root domain) has novell-bind configured.

Additional domain controllers have novell-bind configured; However, it is not required for DSfW to function. Existing novell-bind servers in the tree can be configured as a forward lookup server with novell-bind on the DSfW server.

DSfW configuration will configure novell-bind on other Domain Controllers if the Configure this server to be a primary DNS server option is selected. DSfW automatically populates the zone information whenever a domain controller or domain is configured. Administrators do not require a different utility.

On OES Cluster Services, OES DNS is bound to a virtual NCP server and not to physical nodes. Because of this dependency, DSFW provisioning is not automated for OES Cluster Services.

For more information on DSfW, see the Domain Services for Windows Administration Guide.

17.2.2 Local DNS Server Installation

For all the supported DSFW scenarios with local DNS, an installation screen for DNS is not used. All the inputs are gathered by eDirectory installation page and is passed to DNS.

Local DNS server installation can be determined by the status of the check box in the DSfW installation page. If the box is selected, the installation for the local DNS server proceeds. YaST collates the input and then calls the dns-inst utility to install the DNS server after configuring eDirectory (ndsconfig call) but before calling ndsdcinit to install DsfW. The order of the call is:

  • ndsconfig (to configure eDirectory).

  • extend the DNS schema

  • dns-inst (to configure the DNS server)

  • ndsdcinit (to configure DSfW)

YaST displays the DNS server input page with the following changes:

  • The eDirectory server IP address is grayed out and the field is populated with the local server IP address.

  • The contexts are dimmed for the Locator, Group object, rootserverinfo, and NCP server object. This is similar to the Server context; that is, ou=novell. For example, In Domain name in DC format, if the domain being installed is widget.com, then the server context is ou=novell,dc=widget,dc=com.

  • The DNS Host Name and Domain Name for DNS Server can be edited. However, populate the host name from /etc/hosts as the default value and the domain name from /etc/resolv.conf or from /etc/hosts.

  • DNS Proxy User: The DNS screen displays a proxy user or DNS admin.