13.2 UMC Unavailable on the Target Server

If UMC is not working after Transfer ID, reconfigure UMC on the target server using the following steps:

  1. Copy the values of dbusername, dbhostname, and dbport specified in the DB_URL from the /opt/novell/umc/apps/umc-server/prod.env file.


    In the above example, the values are as follows:

    dbusername = dbadmin
    dbhostname = blr-119-62.digitalairlines.com
    dbport = 5432
  2. In the /etc/sysconfig/novell/umc file, set the parameter SERVICE_CONFIGURED="no".

  3. In the /etc/sysconfig/novell/oes-db file, set the parameter SERVICE_CONFIGURED="no".

  4. In the console, run the command yast2 umc.

  5. On the Open Enterprise Server Configuration page, click OES Database.

  6. In the OES Database page, enter the database details and click Next.

    NOTE:Enter the details that you had noted in Step 1. UMC ships with PostgreSQL as the default database.

  7. On the Open Enterprise Server Configuration page, click Unified Management Console.

  8. In the password box, enter the eDirectory admin’s password.

  9. On the OES Unified Management Console (UMC) Configuration page, enter the port for eDirectory API and click Next.

  10. After the successful configuration, click Finish.

  11. Open any web browser and specify the UMC URL https://<UMC_ServerIP/Hostname>/umc.

    The Treename field is auto-populated with the hostname. If you are unable to log in, enter the IP address instead of the hostname in the Treename field.

    To troubleshoot any issues, see the UMC Health Script.