12.3 Configuring Ivanti Neurons to Manage the iPrint App

12.3.1 Supported Features

iPrint mobile app provides an additional feature to pre-populate the following fields on the iPrint login screen on both iOS and Android devices:

  • Server IP Address

  • User ID

12.3.2 Adding the iPrint App to Ivanti Neurons

Adding the Android iPrint App

To add the Android iPrint app to Ivanti Neurons, upload the *.apk file and then apply the Android label to the application:

  1. Download the OpenText iPrint for Ivanti Neurons Appconnect (*.apk) file from the Novell downloads site.

  2. Upload the file to Ivanti Neurons:

    1. In the Ivanti Neurons Admin Portal, click the Apps tab.

    2. On the App Distribution Library tab, in the Select Platform drop-down list, select Android.

    3. Click Add App.

      The Add App Wizard is displayed.

    4. Click Next, then specify the following information:

      Distribution Type: Select In-house App.

      Silently Install: If your device supports a silent install, select Yes. If the device does not support a silent install or if you are unsure, select No.

      App Upload: Browse to and select the .apk file that you downloaded.

    5. Click Next, then specify the following information:

      App Name: OpenText iPrint is already specified for you. This cannot be changed.

      Display Version: The version is already specified for you. This cannot be changed.

      Code Version: The version is already specified for you. This cannot be changed.

      Description: Specify a short description for the app.

      Override URL: For information about this feature, see the blue information icon next to this field.

      Featured: Select whether you want to feature this app.

      Category: Select the category that most closely matches the app. You can add a new category as described in the dialog box.

    6. (Optional) Click Next, then click Browse to upload any screen shots that you have for the app.

      The mandatory image size is displayed in the dialog box.

    7. Click Finish to close the Add App Wizard.

  3. Apply the Android label to your application:

    1. From the App Distribution Library tab on the Apps tab, select the OpenText iPrint app that you created, then click Actions > Apply To Label.

      The Apply To Label dialog box is displayed.

    2. Select the Android label, then click Apply > OK.

Adding the iOS iPrint App

To add the iOS iPrint app to Ivanti Neurons, import it from the Apple Appstore and then apply the iOS label to the application:

  1. Import the app from the Apple Appstore:

    1. In the Ivanti Neurons Admin Portal, click the Apps tab.

    2. On the App Distribution Library tab, in the Select Platform drop-down list, select iOS.

    3. Click App Store Import.

      The App Store Search dialog box is displayed.

    4. In the App Name field, type OpenText iPrint.

    5. In the App Store field, select the country appropriate to your location.

    6. Click Search.

    7. Click Import next to the OpenText iPrint app, then click OK after it is imported.

    8. Close the App Store Search dialog box.

    9. From the App Distribution Library tab on the Apps tab, click the Edit icon next to the OpenText iPrint app that you imported.

      The Edit App for iOS dialog box is displayed.

    10. Make any desired changes to the app details and icon, then click Save.

  2. Apply the iOS label to your application:

    1. From the App Distribution Library tab on the Apps tab, select the OpenText iPrint app that you just created, then click Actions > Apply To Label.

      The Apply To Label dialog box is displayed.

    2. Select the iOS label, then click Apply > OK.

12.3.3 Pre-Populating Fields for iPrint Login

Pre-populate the server URL and user ID fields for both the iOS and Android apps.

You must modify the app configuration for Android, and create a new app configuration for iOS.

Creating the iOS iPrint App Configuration for Ivanti Neurons

  1. In the Ivanti Neurons Admin Portal, click the Policies & Configs tab.

  2. On the Configuration tab, click Add New > AppConnect > Configuration.

    The New AppConnect App Configuration dialog box is displayed.

  3. Specify the following information:

    Name: Provide a name for the configuration, such as iPrint iOS Configuration.

    Description: (Optional) Provide a description for the configuration.

    Application: Specify the iPrint iOS bundle ID, which is com.novell.print.

  4. In the App-specific Configurations section, click the Plus icon to add a new field to the key-value pair table; you can then specify the key-value pair to be included in the configuration.

    The key-value pairs that you can add are shown in Table 12-4, iPrint Key-Value Pairs. Key-value pairs that you add to the table represent the information that will be pre-populated for iPrint login.

  5. Click Save.

Key-Value Pairs

Table 12-4 iPrint Key-Value Pairs




Specify the URL of your iPrint site. For example, iprint.acme.com.


When specifying multiple servers, the subsequent servers will be server2, server3, and so forth. You can provide same or different user for each server.


Specify $USERID$ for Ivanti Neurons to automatically populate the app with the users’ Ivanti Neurons user ID.

Alternatively, you can specify an individual user’s user ID.


The value is true or false. By default, the value is true and the app users will not be able to modify the iPrint app configuration on their devices.

Examples for Key-Value Pairs

  • Multiple Servers and Same Users: If there are two iPrint servers and you want all the app users to print through both the servers, specify the server values and user as the key.

    Table 12-5 Multiple Servers and Same Users









  • Multiple Servers and Different Users: If there are two iPrint servers and you want different set of app users to print through each server, specify the server values and subsequent user as the key. Use the key-value pair as server and user and server2 and user2.

    Table 12-6 Multiple Servers and Different Users











Modifying the Android iPrint App Configuration for Ivanti Neurons

  1. In the Ivanti Neurons Admin Portal, click the Policies & Configs tab.

  2. On the Configuration tab, in the Name column, click the name of the iPrint configuration for the iPrint app that you uploaded, as described in Adding the Android iPrint App.

  3. Click Edit.

    The Modify AppConnect App Configuration dialog is displayed.

  4. Specify the following information:

    Name: Provide a name for the configuration, or keep the default.

    Description: (Optional) Provide a description for the configuration, or keep the default.

    Application: Select OpenText iPrint from the drop-down list.

  5. In the App-specific Configurations section, keep or remove the key-value pairs that are shown in Table 12-4, iPrint Key-Value Pairs. Key-value pairs that remain in the table represent the information that will be pre-populated for iPrint login.

  6. Click Save.

12.3.4 Distributing the iPrint App to Devices

You must distribute the iPrint app to devices in your organization via Ivanti Neurons if this is the first time your organization is using Ivanti Neurons with iPrint, or any time a new device enters the organization.

Some users might have independently download the iPrint app from the app store before their device is managed by Ivanti Neurons. Even in this scenario, you must push the app to their device via Ivanti Neurons. (These devices will lose any cached or downloaded files within the iPrint app after their device becomes managed and the iPrint app is pushed to their device.)