A.1 Cluster Management Commands

To execute a cluster console command, enter cluster followed by the command. For example, if you want to display cluster statistics, enter cluster stats display at the terminal console. You can also enter cluster help at the command prompt to get information on the commands and their functions.

The functions of many of the commands can also be performed using iManager. See the other sections of this document for additional information.

Table A-1 lists the cluster-related terminal console commands and gives a brief description of each command.

Table A-1 Cluster Console Commands

Cluster Console Command


ALERT {resource}{YES|NO}

The resource start, failover, or failback mode is set to manual and the resource is waiting for administrator intervention to start on a node, or to fail over or fail back to another node. Alert types are Start Alert, Failback Alert, and Failover Alert.

For the Start Alert, you must address the alert, then offline and online the resource.

Specify the resource name in the command and use the YES or NO switch to accept or reject an alert on a resource to control fail over, fail back, or manual start.


cluster alert res1 yes
CONVERT preview [resource]
CONVERT preview
CONVERT commit

Finalizes the cluster conversion from NetWare to Linux after all nodes in a mixed cluster have been converted to Linux. The CLUSTER CONVERT command can be executed only on Linux cluster nodes.

Specify a resource name with the Preview option to view the resource load and unload script changes prior to finalizing the conversion. If you do not provide a resource name, it displays the information for all resources.

Use the Commit switch without specifying a resource to finalize the conversion for all cluster resources.


cluster convert preview res1
cluster convert preview
cluster convert commit

Removes all cluster nodes from the cluster. This command has the same effect as executing the CLUSTER LEAVE command on every server in the cluster.

You are prompted to confirm the cluster down.


cluster down
EXEC "path_to_script"

Executes the specified script on all nodes in the cluster.


cluster exec "command"
INFO {All, Basic, Notification, Priority, Protocol, Summary}

Displays information on cluster configuration.



Displays a combination of Basic, Notification, Priority, and Protocol information.


Displays IP address, port, and cluster quorum settings.


Displays cluster e-mail notification settings.


Displays the resource priority list.


Displays the cluster protocol settings.


Displays the cluster protocol summary.


cluster info protocol

Adds the node where the command is executed to the cluster and makes the node visible to other servers in the cluster. OES Cluster Services software must already be installed and running on a node for it to join the cluster.


cluster join

Removes the node where the command is executed from the cluster. The node will not be visible to other servers in the cluster.


cluster leave

Turning this switch on lets you temporarily suspend the cluster heartbeat while hardware maintenance is being performed. This is useful if you want to reset or power down the LAN switch without bringing the cluster servers down.

Turning this switch on from one cluster server puts the entire cluster in maintenance mode.

Running the command without the {ON|OFF} parameter reports the maintenance status of the cluster (that is, whether maintenance mode is on or off).

An expiry time can be set to automatically turn off the cluster maintenance mode. The specified time can be in any format, which is supported by the Linux 'date' utility. The ‘expiry_time’ option is applicable only when all the cluster nodes are on OES 24.4.


cluster maintenance on
cluster maintenance
cluster maintenance on '2021-04-04 12:34:51'
All the cluster nodes will be in the maintenance mode till April 4,2021; time - 12:34:51. The cluster will be out of maintenance mode automatically at the specified time.
MIGRATE {resource} { <node_name> | -list | -most | -next } 

Migrates the specified resource from the node where it is currently running to the node that you specify in the command. The node that you specify must be running in the cluster and also be in the resource’s Preferred Nodes list.



Migrates the resource to the specified node if possible. No action is taken if the specified node is not in the resource’s preferred nodes list, there is a Resource Mutual Exclusion conflict on the specified node, or the specified node is not currently active in the cluster.

-l, -list

Shows the preferred nodes list for the specified resource.

-m, -most

Migrates the specified resource to the most preferred node currently in the cluster. If the resource is running on such a node, no action is taken.


Migrates the resource to the node in the preferred node list that is next in order to the node where the resource is currently running. If there is no next node or all such nodes are not in the cluster currently, it searches from the beginning of the resource’s preferred nodes list. No action is taken if a new destination could not be determined after the search is exhausted.


Move res1 from the current node to node2 in the resource’s preferred nodes list. The resource is migrated only if there are no Resource Mutual Exclusion conflicts on the target node.

cluster migrate res1 node2

List the preferred nodes for resource POOL_14_SERVER.

cluster migrate POOL_14_SERVER -l
Preferred nodes for resource 'POOL_14_SERVER'
Status for Resource: POOL_14_SERVER
Running on CG-05  Lives: 65
Revision: 5
MONITOR {resource} <start | stop | status>

Manually starts, stops, or checks the status of resource monitoring. The resource must be running on the node where you issue the command. Resource monitoring must be enabled for the resource in order to use this command.


cluster monitor sh_pool_res_01 status
OFFLINE {resource}

Unloads the specified resource from the node where it is currently running.


cluster offline res1
ONLINE {resource}{node name}

Starts the specified resource on the most preferred node that is currently active. You can start the resource on a different node by specifying that node in the command. The node that you specify must be running in the cluster and also be in the resource’s Preferred Nodes list.


cluster online res1
cluster online res1 node1

Lists the NSS pools on the shared disk system that are accessible by OES Cluster Services.


cluster pools
RENAME <old_resource_name> <new_resource_name>

Renames a pool cluster resource. This command must be issued from the master node. The resource must be in offline state to be renamed. The new name must not exist prior to the renaming.

Renaming the resource does not modify the resource’s virtual server name (NCS:NCP Server object). You can delete and re-create the NCS:NCS Server object with a new name by using iManager.


cluster rename POOL1_SERVER custom_name22
RESOURCES <-i | -v | -c | -p | -u | -a>

Lists the information about the resources that currently exist in the cluster. The resources do not need to be online or running.



Displays the IP address of all resources in the cluster.


Displays the virtual server name of all resources in the cluster.


Displays the CIFS server name of all resources in the cluster.


Displays the preferred nodes of all resources in the cluster.


Displays the unassigned nodes of all resources in the cluster.


Displays the IP address, virtual server name, CIFS server name, preferred nodes, and unassigned nodes of all resources in the cluster.


cluster resources -i
RESOURCE {resource}

Displays the IP address, virtual server name, CIFS server name, preferred nodes, and unassigned nodes of the specified resource.


cluster resource res1

Displays a list of preferred nodes for the specified resource.


cluster preferred_nodes res1

Displays a list of nodes in the cluster that are not assigned to the specified resource.


cluster unassigned_nodes res1
RESTART [seconds]

Restarts OES Cluster Services software on all servers in the cluster. The cluster leave process begins immediately. Specify a value of 60 or more seconds as the time to wait before the cluster join begins.

The default setting is 60 seconds. The default setting is used if a value is not provided, if the value provided is smaller than 60 seconds, or if the input is invalid.

You are prompted to confirm the cluster restart.


cluster restart 60

IMPORTANT:This command is deprecated on Linux.

You can use the nlvm rescan command on OES 11 and later.

You can alternatively use the rescan-scsi-bus.sh script to scan for the new devices on Linux without rebooting. See Scanning for New Devices without Rebooting in the SLES 12 Storage Administration Guide.

WARNING:In EMC PowerPath environments, do not use the rescan-scsi-bus.sh utility provided with the operating system or the HBA vendor scripts for scanning the SCSI buses. To avoid potential file system corruption, EMC requires that you follow the procedure provided in the vendor documentation for EMC PowerPath for Linux.

SET {Parameter} {Value}

Sets cluster parameters individually for the cluster. See Section 8.0, Configuring Cluster Policies, Protocols, and Properties for more information on cluster parameters.

Specify one of the following parameters and a value for that parameter:

  • IPADDRESS sets the cluster master IP address to the specified value. If you change the cluster IP address, you must restart cluster software on all cluster nodes.
  • PORT sets, or lets you change, the IP port number of the cluster master.
  • QUORUMWAIT sets the amount of time in seconds that the cluster waits before resources start to load.
  • QUORUM sets the number of nodes that must be running in the cluster before resources will start to load.
  • HEARTBEAT sets the amount of time in seconds between transmits for all nodes in the cluster except the master.
  • TOLERANCE sets the amount of time in seconds that the master node gives all other nodes in the cluster to signal that they are alive.
  • MASTERWATCHDOG sets the amount of time in seconds between transmits for the master node in the cluster.
  • SLAVEWATCHDOG sets the amount of time in seconds that the slave nodes give the master node in the cluster to signal that it is alive.
  • MAXRETRANSMITS sets the maximum number of times transmits will be attempted between the master node and slave nodes.
  • ENABLEEMAIL enables and disables email notification. You can set the value to OFF to disable email notification, or either CRITICAL or VERBOSE to enable email notification.
  • EMAILADDRESSES lets you specify the email addresses used for email notification. The addresses should be separated by spaces. Using this parameter without specifying any addresses clears existing addresses that have been set previously.
  • EMAILOPTIONS sets the email notification options. Specify XML as the value to receive email notification in XML format. Not specifying any value with this parameter turns notification in XML format off.
  • RESOURCEPRIORITY sets the resource priority for the cluster.


cluster set ipaddress
STATS {Display, Clear}

The Display parameter reports the node number, node name, and heartbeat information to the console screen. For more information, see Section 8.5.1, Heartbeat.

The Clear parameter resets the various stats counters. This command is useful for troubleshooting network problems related to the cluster heartbeat protocol.


cluster stats display
STATUS {resource}

Reports the status of the specified resource. This includes the number of times the resource has been migrated or failed over to another server, the resource state, and the node where the resource is currently running.


cluster status res1

Displays the node name, cluster epoch number, master node name, and a list of nodes that are currently members of the cluster.


cluster view
SCRIPT {load-script | unload-script | monitor-script | all} {resource}

Displays the scripts for the specified resource.



Displays the load script for the specified resource.


Displays the unload script for the specified resource.


Displays the monitor script for the specified resource.


Displays load, unload, and monitor scripts for the specified resource


cluster script load-script res1

Displays the set value for the VirtualServerName, CifsServerName, and IPAddress of thespecified resource.


cluster resource-protocol res1

Displays the set value for the start mode, failover mode, and failback mode on the specified resource.


cluster resource-policy res1