L.3 Examples

L.3.1 Example 1: Complex Mixed Tree with a Mix of File Access Services and Users from across the Tree

Figure L-1 Example 1

Tree Setup

The WIDGETS_INC tree has the following configuration:

  • o=widget, ou=blr,o=widget, and ou=sales,ou=blr,o=widget are eDir partitions as well as name mapped domains.

  • ou=prv, o=widget, ou=wal,o=widget, ou=hr,ou=prv,o=widget are partitions (but not domains)

  • ou=end,ou=prv,o=widget refers to the top of a subtree but not a partition. It is a container under the ou=prv,o=widget partition.

OES/NetWare Servers

  • S1-S6 and S9 are OES servers

  • S7 and S8 are NetWare servers

File Services

  • S1, S2, S3, and S4 are DSfW servers and serve volumes over Samba and NCP

  • S5 serves its volumes over NCP

  • S6 serves its volumes over CIFS and NCP

  • S7 serves its volumes over CIFS, and NCP

  • S8 serves its volumes over NetWare CIFS, and NCP

  • S9 serves its volumes over NCP

User Access to Services

Users from all over the tree can access services running on S1-S9. In order for users to be able to access CIFS services, the search contexts (eDirectory contexts) for these services should be configured to the subtrees under which those users can be found.

Rights Required for Installation and Administration

Installation and configuration in iManager must be done by an OES administrator. This is typically a container administrator in eDirectory who has supervisory privileges over the container where the server is being installed. This need not be the tree administrator.

L.3.2 Example 2: Mutually Exclusive Users

In this scenario, the setup of the tree and file services is similar to that in Example 1, but the users are local to the context where a particular service is installed.

Figure L-2 Example 2

File Services

  • S1, S2, S3, and S4 are DSfW servers and serve their volumes over Samba and NCP

  • S5, S6, and S7 serve their volumes over NCP

  • S8 and S9 serves their volumes over CIFS and NCP


For example, u1 is a user under the container ou=prv,o=widget and is expected to access AFP services on S5, S6, and S7. Similarly, u2 is a user under the container ou=wal,o=widget and is expected to access CIFS services on S8 and S9.