This is arguably the simplest method of all. NSS supports moving devices containing NSS volumes between any servers that support a compatible media format, including moves between NetWare servers and OES servers. For instructions, see Moving Non-Clustered Devices From NetWare 6.5 SP8 Servers to OES 2023
in the OES 2023: NSS File System Administration Guide for Linux.
For issues with moving NSS volumes cross-platform between servers, see Cross-Platform Issues for NSS.
The OES Migration Tool supports transferring data from a source NSS volume on NetWare to a target NSS volume on OES. This method preserves both the Novell Trustee Rights for eDirectory users and the NSS directory and file attributes supported by only the NSS file system.
For more instructions, see Migrating File Systems to OES 2023
in the OES 2023: Migration Tool Administration Guide.
The OES Migration Tool also supports moving data from an NSS volume on NetWare to a Linux POSIX volume on OES.
If you configure the target Linux POSIX volume as an NCP volume and carefully follow the instructions, the Novell Trustee Rights are retained and only the NSS file and directory attributes are lost.
If you move the data to a Linux POSIX volume target without configuring it as an NCP volume, the POSIX access model applies. eDirectory users must be enabled for Linux User Management to access data on Linux POSIX volumes.
If you are unsure about the implications briefly stated above, you should read the following sections in the OES documentation: