11.2 Rights Management

11.2.1 How to add trustee(s) for a volume, file, or folder?

To add trustee(s) for a volume, file, or folder, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Files and Folders and use any one option to select the servers.

    • Click the Search icon, specify the required server name and select it from the drop-down list to view the available volumes.

    • Click BROWSE, select the required servers from the tree, and then click APPLY.

  2. Click volume Name to select file or folder in it, click More Options , and then select Manage Rights.

  3. On the Manage Rights page, click Add Trustee.

  4. In the tree, select the servers to list the context users.

  5. Select the users and groups, and then click Confirm.

The trustee rights for the newly added users and groups can be modified if necessary.

11.2.2 How to modify trustee rights for users and groups?

To modify trustee rights for users and groups, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Files and Folders and use any one option to select the servers.

    • Click the Search icon, specify the required server name and select it from the drop-down list to view the available volumes.

    • Click BROWSE, select the required servers from the tree, and then click APPLY.

  2. Select the volume or click volume Name to select the file or folder in it, click More Options , and then select Manage Rights.

  3. On the Manage Rights page, select checkbox to modify the rights for the required users and groups, and then click Apply Changes.

11.2.3 How to view trustee rights of a volume, file, or folder?

To view and manage trustee rights of a volume, file, or folder, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Files and Folders and use any one option to select the servers.

    • Click the Search icon, specify the required server name and select it from the drop-down list to view the available volumes.

    • Click BROWSE, select the required servers from the tree, and then click APPLY.

  2. Click volume Name to select the file or folder in it, click More Options , and then select Manage Rights.

The list displays the trustees and their rights on the selected volume, file, or folder. You can view, modify, add, remove, and replicate trustee rights here.

11.2.4 How to enable all rights for users and groups?

To enable all rights for users and groups, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Files and Folders and use any one option to select the servers.

    • Click the Search icon, specify the required server name and select it from the drop-down list to view the available volumes.

    • Click BROWSE, select the required servers from the tree, and then click APPLY.

  2. Select the volume or click volume Name to select the file or folder in it, click More Options , and then select Manage Rights.

  3. On the Manage Rights page, select the users and groups.

    NOTE:Use Add Trustee option to add users and groups if necessary.

  4. Click More Options , select Enable all rights, and then click Apply Changes.

    All rights are enabled for the selected users and groups.

11.2.5 How to disable all rights for users and groups?

To disable all rights for users and groups, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Files and Folders and use any one option to select the servers.

    • Click the Search icon, specify the required server name and select it from the drop-down list to view the available volumes.

    • Click BROWSE, select the required servers from the tree, and then click APPLY.

  2. Select the volume or click volume Name to select the file or folder in it, click More Options , and then select Manage Rights.

  3. On the Manage Rights page, select the users and groups.

    NOTE:Use Add Trustee option to add users and groups if necessary.

  4. Click More Options , select Remove all rights, and then click Apply Changes.

    All rights are disabled for the selected users and groups.

11.2.6 What are the various trustee rights?

The table shows the list of available file-system trustee rights.

File-System Trustee Rights


Supervisor (S)

Grants the trustee all rights to the directory or file and any subordinate items.

The Supervisor right cannot be blocked with an IRF (Inherited Rights Filter) and cannot be revoked. Users who have this right can also grant other users any rights to the directory or file and can change its Inherited Rights Filter.

Default = Off

Read (R)

Grants the trustee the ability to open and read files, and open, read, and execute applications.

Default = On

Write (W)

Grants the trustee the ability to open and modify (write to) an existing file.

Default = Off

Create (C)

Grants the trustee the ability to create directories and files and salvage deleted files.

Default = Off

Erase (E)

Grants the trustee the ability to delete directories and files.

Default = Off

Modify (M)

Grants the trustee the ability to rename directories and files, and change file attributes. It does not allow the user to modify the contents of the file.

Default = Off

File Scan (F)

Grants the trustee the ability to view directory and file names in the file system structure, including the directory structure from that file to the root directory.

Default = Off

Access Control (A)

Grants the trustee the ability to add and remove trustees for directories and files, to modify the rights assigned for trustees, and set the inherited rights filters.

This right does not allow the trustee to add or remove the Supervisor right for any user. Also, it does not allow to remove the trustee with Supervisor right.

Default = Off

11.2.7 What are effective rights?

The effective rights granted to a trustee are a combination of explicit rights set at volume root or rights set on the file or folder and the inherited rights. Inherited rights are overridden by rights that are assigned explicitly for the trustee on a given path. If there are no trustees listed for effective rights, then the effective rights are the same as the inherited rights.

11.2.8 How to view effective rights of users and groups?

To view the effective rights of users and groups, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Files and Folders and use any one option to select the servers.

    • Click the Search icon, specify the required server name and select it from the drop-down list to view the available volumes.

    • Click BROWSE, select the required servers from the tree, and then click APPLY.

  2. Select the volume or click volume Name to select the file or folder in it, click More Options , and then select Manage Rights.

  3. Select the Effective & Inherited Rights tab to list the users and groups, and their effective rights.

11.2.9 What are inherited rights?

The inherited rights are trustee rights of subdirectories and files inherited from their parent directory. Typically, you set rights that you want to flow down to all users by assigning a Group object as the trustee of a directory located at the root of the volume. The trustee rights flow down through the file tree structure to its child subdirectories and files.

11.2.10 How to view inherited rights of a user or group?

To view the inherited rights of a user or group, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Files and Folders and use any one option to select the servers.

    • Click the Search icon, specify the required server name and select it from the drop-down list to view the available volumes.

    • Click BROWSE, select the required servers from the tree, and then click APPLY.

  2. Select the volume or click volume Name to select the file or folder in it, click More Options , and then select Manage Rights.

  3. Select the Effective & Inherited Rights tab to list the users and groups, select the user or group, click View Inherited Rights .

The page displays the details of the inherited rights filters and effective rights of the user or group for the source file.

11.2.11 How to use inherited rights filter?

Enabling inherited rights applies all the rights of the parent directory to the child directory. Disabling it restricts the rights to flow from the parent directory to the child directory.

To use the inherited rights filter, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Files and Folders and use any one option to select the server.s

    • Click the Search icon, specify the required server name and select it from the drop-down list to view the available volumes.

    • Click BROWSE, select the required servers from the tree, and then click APPLY.

  2. Select the volume or click volume Name to select the file or folder in it, click More Options , and then select Manage Rights.

  3. Click Inherited Rights Filter, turn on or turn off the toggle switch to enable or disable inherited rights for all the selected users and groups for the file or folder.

11.2.12 How to copy or replicate rights of a user or group to other users and groups in the context tree?

To copy or replicate rights of a user or group to other users and groups in the context tree, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Files and Folders and use any one option to select the servers.

    • Click the Search icon, specify the required server name and select it from the drop-down list to view the available volumes.

    • Click BROWSE, select the required servers from the tree, and then click APPLY.

  2. Click volume Name to select the file or folder in it, click More Options , and then select Manage Rights.

  3. In Manage Rights page, select the user or group, click More Options , and then select Replicate.

  4. In Replicate Rights wizard, search or browse to list users and groups from the context tree.

  5. Select the users and groups, and then click APPLY.

    The selected users and groups displayed in the list and can be removed using Remove option if necessary.

  6. In Replicate Rights wizard, click Confirm.

    The selected users and groups from the context tree must have the same rights of the user or group selected in Manage Rights page.

11.2.13 How to remove trustees for a selected path?

To remove trustees for a selected path, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Files and Folders and use any one option to select the servers.

    • Click the Search icon, specify the required server name and select it from the drop-down list to view the available volumes.

    • Click BROWSE, select the required servers from the tree, and then click APPLY.

  2. Select the volume or click volume Name to select the file or folder in it, click More Options , and then select Manage Rights.

  3. In Manage Rights page, select the users and groups, click More Options , and then select Remove.

  4. In Remove Trustee box, click Remove.

    The access for the trustees are removed for the selected path.