5.3 Naming Conventions for Linux LVM Volume Group and Logical Volume Names

Consider the following conventions for naming Linux Logical Volume Manager (LVM) volume groups and logical volumes:

5.3.1 NSSMU and NLVM Requirements for LVM Names

NLVM and NSSMU require that Linux LVM volume group names and logical volume names be unique from any volume, device, pool, RAID, and other Device Mapper name. The LVM group name is limited to 128 characters. The LVM logical volume name is limited to 64 characters.

If you enable NCP for the volume, see Naming Conventions for NCP Volume Names.

5.3.2 LVM Requirements for LVM Names

LVM2 allows volume group names and logical volume names to contain characters A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9, underscore (_), hyphen (-), dot (.), and plus (+). The names cannot begin with a hyphen.

Reserved names and character strings that are used internally by LVM cannot be used as volume group names or logical volume names. A volume group cannot be called anything that exists in /dev/ at the time of creation. It cannot be named '.' (a single dot) or '..' (double dot).

A logical volume cannot be named the following reserved words:

.  (a single dot)
.. (double dot)

The logical volume name also cannot contain the following strings:


5.3.3 Novell Cluster Services Requirements for Clustered LVM Volume Names

In a Novell Cluster Services cluster, the names of clustered LVM volume groups and logical volumes must be unique across all nodes in the cluster.