7.11 Dismounting Linux Volumes

You can dismount Linux volumes from the command line by using the nlvm linux unmount command or by using the native Linux umount(8) command and ncpcon dismount command (for NCP-enabled volumes).

IMPORTANT:If an LVM logical volume is clustered, you must use the Novell Cluster Services cluster offline command to allow the unload script to dismount the volume. You can also use the Cluster Manager page in the Clusters plug-in for iManager to take a resource offline.

7.11.1 Using the nlvm linux unmount Command

You can use the nlvm linux unmount command to dismount Linux volumes. If the volume is NCP-enabled, the command automatically dismounts the volume in NCP before it dismounts the volume in Linux.

  1. Log in to the server as the root user, then open a terminal console.

  2. View a list of Linux volumes by entering the following command, then find the name and mount status of the volume you want to dismount.

    nlvm list linux volumes

    For example, the Linux volume /home is mounted with a mount point of /home. The NCP-enabled Linux volume NCP3 is mounted with a mount point of /usr/novell/NCP3.

     Name   Group  Mounted    Size Shared     Type LVM NCP Mountpoint
     /               Yes    15.98GB  No       ext3  No  No /
     /home           Yes     3.00GB  No       ext3  No  No /home
     mylvm  mylvm    No    100.00MB  No       ext3 Yes  No /usr/novell/mylvm
     LVMNCP lvmncp   No    100.00MB  No       ext3 Yes Yes /usr/novell/lvmncp2
     NCP3            Yes   103.59MB  No       ext3  No Yes /usr/novell/NCP3
  3. Dismount the volume by entering

    nlvm linux unmount <lx_volume_name>

    Use the name format as it is displayed in NSSMU or with the nlvm list volumes command, such as:

    LV_VOL1                   [ex: an LVM volume that is NCP-enabled]
    lv_vol1                   [ex: an LVM volume that is not NCP-enabled]
    HOME                      [ex: a non-LVM volume that is NCP-enabled]
    /home                     [ex: a non-LVM volume that is not NCP-enabled]

    For example, enter

    nlvm linux unmount /home
    nlvm linux unmount NCP3

    The first example dismounts the volume from Linux. The second example dismounts an NCP-enabled volume from NCP, and then dismounts it from Linux.

  4. Verify that the volume’s Mounted status changed from Yes to No

    nlvm list linux volumes

    The volume is not mounted. For example:

     Name   Group  Mounted    Size Shared     Type LVM NCP Mountpoint
     /               Yes    15.98GB  No       ext3  No  No /
     /home           No      3.00GB  No       ext3  No  No /home
     mylvm  mylvm    No    100.00MB  No       ext3 Yes  No /usr/novell/mylvm
     LVMNCP lvmncp   No    100.00MB  No       ext3 Yes Yes /usr/novell/lvmncp2
     NCP3            No    103.59MB  No       ext3  No Yes /usr/novell/NCP3

7.11.2 Using the umount(8) and ncpcon dismount Commands

You can use the native Linux umount(8) command to dismount Linux volumes. See the umount(8) man page for information about usage and the dismounting options for your file system.

  1. Log in to the server as the root user, then open a terminal console.

  2. View a list of Linux volumes by entering the following command, then find the name, mount point, and mount status of the volume that you want to dismount.

    nlvm list linux volumes

    For example, the Linux volume /home is mounted with a mount point of /home. The NCP-enabled Linux volume NCP3 is mounted with a mount point of /usr/novell/NCP3.

     Name   Group  Mounted    Size Shared     Type LVM NCP Mountpoint
     /               Yes    15.98GB  No       ext3  No  No /
     /home           Yes     3.00GB  No       ext3  No  No /home
     mylvm  mylvm    No    100.00MB  No       ext3 Yes  No /usr/novell/mylvm
     LVMNCP lvmncp   No    100.00MB  No       ext3 Yes Yes /usr/novell/lvmncp2
     NCP3            Yes   103.59MB  No       ext3  No Yes /usr/novell/NCP3
  3. If the volume is NCP enabled, dismount the volume from NCP Server.

    ncpcon dismount <ncp_volume_name> 

    For example, enter

    ncpcon dismount NCP3
  4. Dismount the volume from Linux by entering the native Linux umount command:

    umount <full_mount_point_path>

    Replace full_mount_point_path with the volume’s mount point. For example, enter

    umount /home
    umount /usr/novell/NCP3
  5. Verify that the volume’s Mounted status changed from Yes to No by entering

    nlvm list linux volumes

    The volume is not mounted. For example:

     Name   Group  Mounted    Size Shared     Type LVM NCP Mountpoint
     /               Yes    15.98GB  No       ext3  No  No /
     /home           No      3.00GB  No       ext3  No  No /home
     mylvm  mylvm    No    100.00MB  No       ext3 Yes  No /usr/novell/mylvm
     LVMNCP lvmncp   No    100.00MB  No       ext3 Yes Yes /usr/novell/lvmncp2
     NCP3            No    103.59MB  No       ext3  No Yes /usr/novell/NCP3