2.13 OES Remote Manager (NRM)

2.13.1 Newly Installed or Upgrade Issue

The status of the novell-httpkstd service may be "activating" instead of "active" in newly installed or upgraded systems.


  1. Kill the novell-httpkstd service.

    systemctl kill novell-httpstkd.service

  2. Restart the novell-httpkstd service.

    systemctl restart novell-httpstkd.service

2.13.2 Nagios Service

The Nagios service does not come up automatically. The service is not enabled by default. You have to manually enable it using the command systemctl enable --now nagios.service.

2.13.3 Unable to Perform Group Operations

The group operations cannot be performed using Use Group Operations in NRM on OES 2023.