9.2 Using OES Welcome Pages

After you install an OES server, anyone with browser access to the server can access its Welcome Web site, which is a collection of dynamic Web pages that provides access to management tools and software.

This section explains OES Welcome Web Site features, and discusses:

9.2.1 The Welcome Site Requires JavaScript, Apache, and Tomcat

Browsers accessing the Welcome site must have JavaScript enabled to function correctly.

Additionally, it is possible to install OES without including the Apache Web Server or the Tomcat Servlet Container. For example, the Apache server and Tomcat container are included with many of the OES server patterns, but not all of them.

If you are unable to access the Welcome Web site, your server is probably missing one or both of these required components. To make the site available, you need to add the components to the OES server.

9.2.2 Accessing the Welcome Web Site

Anyone with browser access to an OES server can access the Welcome site by doing the following:

  1. Open a supported Web browser that has a TCP connection to the network where the OES server is installed.

  2. Enter the URL to the server, using HTTP.

    For example:



    IMPORTANT:By default, the Welcome site is accessible by entering only the DNS name or IP address without the path to /welcome as the URL. However, it displays only when there is no index.html file in /srv/www/htdocs. For example, installing the Web and LAMP Server pattern installs a page that says It Works! and the Welcome site is not displayed.

    If the Welcome page disappears, include /welcome in the access URL.

    For additional information, see Verifying That the Installation Was Successful in the OES 2023: Installation Guide.

9.2.3 The Welcome Web Site Is Available to All Users

Although the Welcome Web site is designed primarily for administrators, it can also be accessed and used by end users. Keep in mind, however, that the software in the Client Software link is static. For the latest client software, such as the iPrint client and Client for Open Enterprise Server, refer users to the Micro Focus download site.

9.2.4 Administrative Access from the Welcome Web Site

Administrators can access any of the administrative tools installed on the server by clicking the Management Services link, selecting the tool they want to use, and entering the required authentication information.

If a tool doesn’t appear, that means that it or the service that it manages is not installed on the server.