11.2 Planning OES File Storage

11.2.1 Directory Structures

11.2.2 File Service Support Considerations

Figure 11-2 shows which file services can access which volume types.

Figure 11-2 File Services Supported on Volume Types

11.2.3 General Requirements for Data Storage

Finding the right storage solution requires you to identify your data storage requirements. You might want to compare your list of requirements against those described in Storage Solutions in the OES 2015 SP1: Storage and File Services Overview.

11.2.4 OES Storage Planning Considerations

Not all data is the same. Not all workloads are the same. Not all file systems are the same. Matching your data and workloads to the available file systems and their capabilities lets you build efficient, scalable, and cost-effective solutions. This section discusses issues to consider when planning your file systems on OES servers, and includes the following topics:

The Workgroup Environment

When selecting a file system, it is important to understand the environment in which it operates. For OES, the primary target environment is the workgroup, which requires the following:

  • A shared file system for Linux, Macintosh, and Windows desktops. Think of this as a NAS (network-attached storage) for desktops.

  • A rich, flexible permissions model to maintain security while providing for the management of many different users with different permissions throughout the file system. The permissions must be granular, allow for delegation of permission management, and ease the administrative burden in an environment where change is constant.

  • A robust enterprise-wide identity management system tied into authentication and file system permissions is a must.

  • The capabilities for correcting end user mistakes that are made daily (accidental overwrites, deletes, etc.).

  • Integration with collaboration tools.

  • Data encryption on an individual user or group basis for compliance and security.

  • Departmental Web servers and databases.

  • SAN support to provide flexible storage management.

  • Backup support for both desktop and server data, with rich tools for monitoring the health of the backup system and quickly locating and repairing problems with data protection.

  • Regulatory compliance. Regulatory requirements are now pushing new models of protecting and storing employee-generated data that is in LAN systems. It is important to apply correct regulatory requirements only on those users to which they must be applied, and then to produce audits showing compliance.

  • Highly available collaboration (e-mail) services, with rich tools to monitor, audit, and trend resource usage.

File System Support

OES offers support for five six systems: Storage Services (NSS), Btrfs, Ext 2, Ext3, Ext4, and XFS. Following is an explanation of each file system and the pros and cons of using them in the workloads supported by OES.

Storage Services (NSS)

  • Supported only through NSS management tools; not supported through native Linux Management tools.

  • Best for shared LAN file serving; excellent scalability in the number of files

  • Journaled

  • OES Trustee Model and NSS directory and file attributes (such as Rename Inhibit) provide access control that is much richer than POSIX and Linux access control lists (ACLs)

The Storage Services file system is used in NetWare 5.0 and above, is included in the Open Enterprise Server.

The NSS file system is unique in many ways, especially in its ability to manage and support shared file services from simultaneous different file access protocols. It is designed to manage access control (using a unique model, called the OES Trustee Model, that scales to hundreds of thousands of different users accessing the same storage securely) in enterprise file sharing environments.

NSS and its predecessor NWFS are the only file systems that can restrict the visibility of the directory tree based on the user ID accessing the file system. NSS and NWFS have built-in ACL (access control list) rights inheritance. NSS includes mature and robust features tailored for the file-sharing environment of the largest enterprises. The file system also scales to millions of files in a single directory. NSS also supports multiple data streams and rich metadata; its features are a superset of existing file systems on the market for data stream, metadata, name space, and attribute support.

Both eDirectory and Active Directory are supported as identity sources, and OES enables the NSS file system to accept Active Directory identities as trustees. Active Directory users can authenticate to Active Directory and natively access the NSS resources using the CIFS protocol.


  • Writable snapshots that allow you to easily roll back your system if needed after applying updates, or to back up files.

  • Multiple device support that allows you to grow or shrink the file system.

  • Compression to efficiently use storage space.

  • Different RAID levels for metadata and user data.

  • Different checksums for metadata and user data to improve error detection.

  • Integration with Linux Logical Volume Manager (LVM) storage objects.

  • Integration with the YaST Partitioner on SUSE Linux.

BtrFS creates a default subvolume in its assigned pool of space. It allows you to create additional subvolumes that act as individual file systems within the same pool of space. The number of subvolumes is limited only by the space allocated to the pool.

If BtrFS is used for the root (/) file system, you can cover any subdirectory as a subvolume as you might normally do. You should also consider covering the following subdirectories in separate subvolumes because they contain files that you might prefer not to snapshot for the reasons given:


Reason to Cover as a Subvolume


Contains third-party add-on application software packages.


Contains http and ftp files.


Contains temporary files.


Contains log files.


Contains run-time variable data for /opt.


Contains run-time variable data.


Contains data that is awaiting processing by a program, user, or administrator, such as news, mail, and printer queues.


Contains temporary files or directories that are preserved between system reboots.


  • Legacy file system

  • Not journaled

  • POSIX access control

Ext2 does not maintain a journal, so it is generally not desirable to use it for any server that needs high availability, with one important exception. If a paravirtualized server is running as a Xen VM guest, you should format the /boot partition with Ext2 as explained in Section 7.4, Xen VMs Need Ext2 for the System /Boot Volume.


  • Most popular Linux file system; limited scalability in size and number of files

  • Journaled

  • POSIX extended access control

The Ext3 file system is a journaled file system that has the widest use in Linux today. It is the default file system for SUSE Linux 12 distributions. It is quite robust and quick, although it does not scale well to large volumes or a great number of files.

A scalability feature has been added called H-trees, which significantly improved Ext3's scalability. However, it is still not as scalable as some of the other file systems. With H-trees, it scales similarly to NTFS. Without H-trees, Ext3 does not handle more than about 5,000 files in a directory.


  • Faster filesystem checking and recovery

  • Best for extremely large file systems

  • Online resizing

  • Journaled

  • POSIX extended access control

Ext4 is created as a successor to the popular Ext3 file system to address some of its limitations and shortcomings. Ext4 is a stable and default file system in many Linux distributions for desktop and server environments. Ext4 also offers strong reliability and data integrity features.

In conclusion, Ext4 is an established and well-tested file system suitable for Linux systems. It is a widely supported file system with a large user community, that can quickly find and resolve any issues or bugs.


  • Best for extremely large file systems, large files, and lots of files

  • Journaled (an asymmetric parallel cluster file system version is also available)

  • POSIX extended access controls

The XFS file system is open source and is included in major Linux distributions. It originated from SGI (Irix) and was designed specifically for large files and large volume scalability.

Video and multimedia files are best handled by this file system. Scaling to petabyte volumes, it also handles very large amounts of data. It is one of the few file systems on Linux that supports HSM data migration.

File Access Protocol Support

OES offers support for a variety of file access protocols.

  • CIFS: The Common Internet File Services (CIFS) protocol is the protocol for Windows networking and file services.

    OES CIFS is a ported version of the CIFS file service traditionally available only on NetWare. It supports OES Trustee model access for NSS volumes and Dynamic Storage Technology shadow volumes

    Both eDirectory and Active Directory users can natively access NSS resources using the CIFS protocol.

  • FTP: The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is one of the most common and widely used simple protocols in the Internet. Virtually all platforms and devices support FTP at some level, but it is a very simple protocol, only allowing for uploading and downloading of files. OES provides FTP functionality similar to that available on NetWare. For more information, see Section 16.5, FTP (Pure-FTPd) and OES.

  • HTTP: The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the dominant protocol on the World Wide Web today, and is the one “spoken” by Web browser clients and Web servers. It is like FTP in being designed strictly for transfers of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and additional markup languages that have been invented, such as XML (Extensible Markup Language).

  • NCP: The NetWare Core Protocol (NCP) is the client server protocol that was developed by Novell for supporting DOS, Windows, OS/2, Macintosh, UNIX (UnixWare), and Linux for shared file services.

    The NCP server included in OES features emulation of the OES Trustee Model and inheritance plus visibility when it runs on traditional POSIX file systems such as Ext3, Ext4, and XFS. When it runs on NSS, these capabilities are synchronized with the NSS File system and its extended directory and file attributes, such as Rename Inhibit.

OES Workloads

Each file system has its strengths and weaknesses depending on the workload the file system supports. This section gives some guidelines for picking and building the right file system for a given workload. In determining which file system to use for a particular workload, consider your environment and the following explanation of each workload to determine which file system best meets your workload environment.

Table 11-2 File System Support per Workload

Workload Type

NSS File System


Ext3 File System

Ext4 File System

XFS File System



Not Supported

Not Supported

Not Supported

Not Supported

Cluster Services






Collaboration (GroupWise)






Dynamic Storage Technology


Not Supported

Not Supported

Not Supported

Not Supported

File serving – Application server






NCP (Client for Open Enterprise Server)






NSS-AD Integration


Not Supported

Not Supported

Not Supported

Not Supported

Printing (iPrint)












The following sections provide a brief summary of considerations for the workload types listed in Table 11-2.

Collaboration (GroupWise)

GroupWise deals with many little files. Because only the application process is accessing the file system, the added overhead of the rich ACL and file attributes found in NSS is redundant. The necessary characteristics are a file system whose performance remains relatively constant regardless of the number of files that are in the volume, and that performs well with small files. GroupWise recommends the Ext3 file system. NSS and Ext4 are also supported.

Dynamic Storage Technology

Dynamic Storage Technology does not depend on a particular file system in principle; however, it is currently supported only on NSS volumes.

File Serving

Generally there are two types of NAS use cases: Serving files to application servers in a tiered service oriented architecture (SOA), and serving files to end user desktops and workstations. The former has minimal access control requirements. The latter has quite heavy access control requirements.

Typically for serving files to application servers (traditional NAS), you would choose a file system that is scalable and fast. Ext4 and XFS would be good choices in this environment. For file serving to end user workstations, the access control and security management capabilities of the NSS file systems with CIFS, and NCP file access protocols are important.

The NSS model does better than the other file systems for very large numbers of users. It allows for security between users and also allows for very fine granular sharing between given users and groups. NSS includes a visibility feature implemented in the file system that prevents unauthorized users from even seeing subdirectory structures they don't have rights to access.

Cluster Services

Cluster Services does not depend on a particular file system. For shared storage, the file systems software must be available from node to node. For example, if you are using NSS on one node, you need to use NSS on the failover node as well.

Printing (iPrint)

iPrint is file system agnostic. There is no noticeable difference in performance or reliability on any of the file systems.

11.2.5 NSS Planning Considerations

To plan for NSS volumes—including prerequisites and security considerations—see Planning NSS Storage Solutions in the OES 2023: NSS File System Administration Guide for Linux.