This section describes how to migrate FTP from a supported OES environment to OES 2023.
Before you proceed with the migration, review Prerequisites. In this section, the source server refers to a supported OES server and the target server refers to an OES 2023 server.
Ensure that OES 2023 server is already installed along with the FTP pattern on the target server. For details see, Installing Pure-FTPd
in the OES 2023: Planning and Implementation Guide.
Configuration file and script
Perform the following procedures on the target server:
Copy the /etc/pure-ftpd/pure-ftpd.conf file from the source server.
NOTE:If the migration is being performed on a cluster setup, copy the pure-ftpd.conf file on the shared volume of cluster.
Run /opt/novell/pure-ftpd/ script. This will update the pure-ftpd.conf file with the new parameters added in OES2015 or later.
Remove LD_PRELOAD statement from the /usr/lib/systemd/system/pure-ftpd.service file, if present.
Restart pure-ftpd using the systemctl restart pure-ftpd.service command.