6.2 WalkUp Printers

WalkUp printer is a virtual print queue that includes group of physical printers. The print jobs sent to the WalkUp printer are put on hold by the iPrint server and released to a desirable printer. The jobs can be released through Release Portal, Mobile App, or ID card.

You must associate drivers for printers when performing desktop printing.

6.2.1 Prerequisites

  • Ensure that the physical printers are available before creating a WalkUp printer.

  • Ensure there is enough disk space to store the WalkUp jobs.

  • The users releases the jobs by using either a Release Portal, Mobile App or ID card. Ensure that the user is aware of the printer location and printer names.

6.2.2 Creating a WalkUp Printer

The user that has logged in to the iPrint Console must have rights to create the WalkUp printer object. The WalkUp printer object is created in the active Print Manager container.

  1. Click New.

  2. Specify the name of the WalkUp (virtual) printer. This name is exposed to the user when they install printers on their desktop or mobile devices.

  3. (Optional) Specify description for the printer.

  4. To enable mobile users to use this printer, select Mobile Printing.

  5. By default, the Web upload using iPrint Portal option is enabled. This enables the QuickPrint feature in the iPrint Portal and user can print files using any web browser. The user no longer requires client or driver installations.

  6. By default, the Visible to all users in iPrint Portal option is enabled. This option lists all the printers in iPrint Portal. If you want to hide some printers from the user who is not-logged in, then you can deselect this option.

  7. From the list of printers, select the printers to group under WalkUp printer. The jobs sent to the WalkUp printer are put on hold and the user has control to release those jobs to one of the grouped printer.

    You must select at least one printer.

  8. Click Next.

  9. Assign platform-specific drivers for the WalkUp printer.

    If Windows drivers are selected, then bi-directional communication can be set for the WalkUp printer.

    1. Specify the IP Address or host name from the pool of printers that you have selected forWalkUp.

  10. Click Finish.

    WalkUp printer object is created that includes group of printers. The jobs on hold can only be released to these printers.

6.2.3 Editing a WalkUp Printer

  1. Click the printer name.

    Displays the details of the printer and its drivers.

  2. In the Printer Details tab, modify the details of the printer.

  3. Click the Drivers tab, then reassign the drivers for the selected printers. You can also modify theIP address or host name for bi-di communication.

  4. Click Save.

    The modified settings are applicable to all jobs sent to the selected WalkUp printer.

6.2.4 Deleting a WalkUp Printer

Ensure all the jobs are completed before deleting the printer. On deleting this printer, all the held jobs will be automatically canceled.

Select a printer or printers, then click Delete.

6.2.5 Enabling Mobile Printing For a WalkUp Printer

Select a printer or printers, click the Mobile drop-down menu, then click Enable.

6.2.6 Modifying the Job Hold Time

By default, the job is put on hold for four hours, after which the job is canceled. You can modify the time duration to put the job on hold as follows:

  1. Click Settings.

  2. Modify the duration to hold a job. This change is applicable only for the jobs put on hold after the setting is modified. The existing jobs will continue to be on hold as per the earlier set duration.

6.2.7 Caveats for Implementing WalkUp Printing

This section lists a few pointers for avoiding common WalkUp implementation problems.

  • Using iManager: The following management tasks for the WalkUp printer are only managed by iManager:

    • Enable auto driver or profile update

    • Assign driver profiles

    • Set Access Control

    • Enable auditing

    • Delete held jobs

  • Using iPrint status (iPrint Health Monitoring page): The following tasks of the WalkUp printers are monitored using the iPrint Health Monitoring tool:

    • Delete held jobs

    • Enable auditing

  • Job hold time: By default, the job is put on hold for four hours, after which the job is canceled. If a job is canceled it is no longer available in the Release Portal. The job hold time can be modified from the iPrint Console. For more information, see Modifying the Job Hold Time.

  • Insufficient balance when printing in PaperCut setup: If the user prints in spite of having insufficient balance in his account, the job is canceled even though the Release Portal displays a success message.

6.2.8 Release Portal for Users

The iPrint Release Portal displays the jobs that are put on hold, the time the job was submitted to the WalkUp printer, and the expiry time of the job. By default, the job is put on hold for four hours, after which the job will be canceled. If a job is canceled it is no longer available in the Release Portal.

To launch the Release Portal in a web browser, specify the iPrint server’s address (<https://<OES iPrint Advanced server address>/user> or <https://<OES iPrint Advanced server address>/release-portal).

Printing a WalkUp Job

  1. Using a web browser, specify the server address (https://<OES iPrint Advanced server address>/user) or (https://<OES iPrint Advanced server address>/release-portal).

  2. Specify the user authentication details.

    On successful authentication, jobs are displayed.

  3. Select the document, then click Print.

  4. Select the printer, then click OK.

    The document is printed by the selected printer.

Deleting a WalkUp Job

  1. Using a web browser, specify the server address (https://<OES iPrint Advanced server address>/user) or (https://<OES iPrint Advanced server address>/release-portal).

  2. Specify the user authentication details.

    On successful authentication, jobs are displayed.

  3. Select the document or multiple documents, then click Delete.

    The selected jobs are deleted and no longer available to print.