5.2 Planning for the Upgrade

5.2.1 Be Sure to Check the Release Notes

The OES 2023: Release Notes documents issues that Micro Focus plans to address in a future release.

5.2.2 Understanding the Implications for Other Products Currently Installed on the Server

OES Server Upgrades: Non-OES Packages Are Retained but Might Not Work After Upgrading

During the upgrade process from supported upgrade paths to OES 2023, packages that are not part of the OES 2023 distributions are automatically retained unless you select them for deletion.

This includes third-party products you have installed, as well as other Micro Focus products such as GroupWise, ZENworks, and Identity Manager.

There is no guarantee that these products will continue to work after you upgrade. Therefore, it is critical that you check the product documentation for compatibility information before you upgrade servers with any Micro Focus product installed.

For Information About This Micro Focus Product

See This Documentation


GroupWise online documentation


ZENworks online documentation

Identity Manager

Identity Management online documentation

Other products

All Novell online documentation

If you have installed a third-party product, ensure that it is supported on OES and follow the upgrade instructions that should be included with it.

5.2.3 Upgrading the OES Cluster Nodes

If the autostart of OES Cluster Services or Business Continuity Clustering is enabled, you must disable autostart to prevent it from automatically loading the OES Cluster Services or Business Continuity Clustering during the upgrade.

To disable the service:

  • Log in to the node as a root user, and open a terminal console.

  • Perform cluster leave command to remove the node from the cluster.

  • (Optional) Stop the Business Continuity Clustering by executing

    systemctl stop novell-bcc.service

  • Stop the OES Cluster Services by executing

    systemctl stop novell-ncs.service

  • (Optional) Disable the Business Continuity Clustering by executing

    systemctl disable novell-bcc.service

  • Disable the OES Cluster Services by executing

    systemctl disable novell-ncs.service

NOTE:Post upgrade if the shared storage or SBD partition is unavailable on the machine, ensure they are available, and then restart NCS. SBD partition is not available as iscsi service is disabled post upgrade.

You can enable the iscsi service using systemctl enable iscsi.service.

  • Enable the autostart of OES Cluster Services for the node by executing

    systemctl enable novell-ncs.service

  • (Optional) Enable the autostart of Business Continuity Clustering for the node by executing

    systemctl enable novell-bcc.service

  • Start OES Cluster Services by executing

    systemctl start novell-ncs.service

  • (Optional) Start the Business Continuity Clustering by executing

    systemctl start novell-bcc.service