3.4 Configuring Global NCP Server Parameters

NCP Server provides several global parameters for the SET utility that can be used to customize NCP Server for a given server. Initially, the parameters and default settings are in force, but the parameters are not explicitly added to the /etc/opt/novell/ncpserv.conf file. After you modify its default setting, an entry for the parameter and its new setting are added to the file. The parameter entry remains in the file even if you modify the setting back to the default.

IMPORTANT:If you use NCP Server in a cluster, make sure to set the same global policies on each OES node in the cluster where you plan to fail over the shared volumes.

There are three methods available for modifying parameter settings:

  • OES Remote Manager: You can view or modify server-level parameters by using OES Remote Manager for Linux. Select Manage NCP Services > Manage Server, then select the Parameter Value link for the parameter in order to modify the setting. When you modify settings from OES Remote Manager, NCP Server automatically restarts the NetIQ eDirectory daemon and the OES NCP/NSS IPC daemon (if NSS is installed).

  • Command Line: You can also modify the setting from its default value by using the ncpcon set command.

    ncpcon set parameter_name=value

    Replace parameter_name and value with the settings you want to change. NCP Server automatically restarts the NetIQ eDirectory daemon and the OES NCP/NSS IPC daemon (if NSS is installed). These commands are dynamic.

  • Edit the Configuration File: You can also modify the setting from its default value by adding the parameter to the /etc/opt/novell/ncpserv.conf file, then specifying the new value.

    If you modify the /etc/opt/novell/ncpserv.conf file, you must restart the NetIQ eDirectory daemon to make the changes go into effect. For information, see Section 3.6, Restarting the NetIQ eDirectory (ndsd) Daemon.

    When NSS is installed and running, and you modify values for any of the NCP Server parameters by directly editing the /etc/opt/novell/ncpserv.conf file, you must manually restart ncp2nss. For information, see Section 3.5, Restarting the OES NCP/NSS IPC (ncp2nss) Daemon.

The following sections identify the global NCP Server parameters with their default values and valid options. For additional information about each parameter, see Section A.2, NCPCON SET Parameters.

3.4.1 Directory Cache Management for NCP Server

Table 3-2 Server Parameter Information for Directory Cache Management

Parameter Name and Description

Default Value

Value Options


Controls the maximum number of file entries that can be cached by the system for a given folder in the directory cache.


Minimum is 512 files.


Controls the maximum number of file entries that can be cached by the system for a given volume in the directory cache.


Minimum is 2048 files.


When a file is closed by the client, the NCP engine waits before closing the file just in case a client wants to reopen the file. This is called a “lazy close.” This parameter controls the maximum number of file handles that can be lazy closed in the directory cache.


16 to 64000


Controls the maximum number of folder entries that can be cached by the system for a volume in the directory cache.




Controls whether cache statistics are logged in the ncpserv.log file.


0 - Disable

1 - Enable

3.4.2 Dynamic Storage Technology for NCP Server

For information about configuring global policies for DST, see the OES 2023: Dynamic Storage Technology Administration Guide.

Table 3-3 Server Parameter Information for Dynamic Storage Technology

Parameter Name and Description

Default Value

Value Options


Controls how duplicate files conflicts are handled.


0 - Show duplicate shadow files (default)

1 - Hide duplicate shadow files

2 - Rename duplicate shadow files

3 - Delete duplicate files from shadow area

4 - Move duplicate shadow files to /._DUPLICATE_FILES


Controls whether broadcast messages are sent to NCP users whenever duplicate files conflicts occur.


0 - Disable

1 - Enable


By default, the REPLICATE_PRIMARY_TREE_TO_SHADOW option is set to 1. Ensure this option is always set to 1, so when the existing NSS volumes are configured for DST, the primary volume directory tree structure will get replicated to the shadow volume directory tree.

Beginning with OES 2018 SP3, the NSS filesystem is DST aware for new volumes, so the primary volume directory tree structure will always be replicated on the shadow volume directory tree.


0 - Disable

1 - Enable


Controls whether files are moved from the secondary volume to the primary volume if the volume is accessed twice during a specified elapsed time. Use SHIFT_DAYS_SINCE_LAST_ACCESS to specify the time period. The file is moved after it is closed.


0 - Disable

1 - Enable


Controls whether files are moved from the secondary volume to the primary volume if the file is modified. The file is moved after it is closed.


0 - Disable

1 - Enable


Specifies the number of elapsed days during which a file must be accessed twice before it is moved. This applies only if SHIFT_ACCESSED_SHADOW_FILES is enabled.


0 - Disable

1 to 365 (in days)

3.4.3 Locks Management for File Access on NCP Server

Table 3-4 Server Parameter Information for Locks Management

Parameter Name and Description

Default Value

Value Options


Cross-protocol locks help prevent the same file from being concurrently accessed for modifications from both CIFS and NCP client.


1 - Enable

0 - Disable


Controls NCP opportunistic locking, which allows the client to cache file data for better performance.


0 - Disable

1 - Exclusive locks

2 - Shared and exclusive locks



By default this parameter is turned on. Setting the parameter value to 0 turns off this parameter and does not permit locking beyond the 0x7fffffffffffffff region.

3.4.4 Logs for NCP Server Events

Table 3-5 Server Parameter Information for Logging NCP Server Events

Parameter Name and Description

Default Value

Value Options


Controls the nature and types of messages that are logged to the /var/opt/novell/log/ncpserv.log file.


Each level logs entries for its level and the levels above it.

  • INFO
  • ALL


Controls whether cache statistics are logged in the ncpserv.log file.


0 - Disable

1 - Enable


Controls whether ID broker errors are logged in the ncpserv.log file.


0 - Disable

1 - Enable


Controls whether memory statistics are logged in the ncpserv.log file.


0 - Disable

1 - Enable

3.4.5 NCP Communications

Table 3-6 Server Parameter Information for Communications

Parameter Name and Description

Default Value

Value Options


Controls how long to wait in minutes of inactivity before checking to see if an NCP connection is still alive.


0 - Disable

1-120 (minutes) - Enable


Controls the ability to broadcast messages from the NCP Server.


0 - Disable

1 - Enable

3.4.6 NCP Server Environment

Table 3-7 Server Parameter Information for the NCP Server Environment

Parameter Name and Description

Default Value

Value Options


Controls which base code page is used by the NCP Server. For more information, see Section 3.7, Configuring the NCP Server Local Code Page.


Valid language codes


This parameter is set by eDirectory when the NCP Server is installed, and must not be modified arbitrarily.

For information, see Section 3.12, Modifying the NCP File Server Name.

Server hostname

This setting must match the server hostname, such as server1.

3.4.7 NCP Volumes

Table 3-8 Server Parameter Information for Volume and File Management

Parameter Name and Description

Default Value

Value Options



0 - Disable

1 - Enable



0 - Disable

1 - Enable



0 - Disable

1 - Enable



0 - Disable

1 - Enable


Controls trustee resynchronization for an NSS volume when it is mounted for NCP.


0 - Disable

1 - Enable


Controls whether a message is broadcast to warn users when the volume path is no longer present.


0 - Disable

1 - Enable

3.4.8 NCP Volumes Low-Space Warning

Table 3-9 Server Parameter Information for Volume Low-Space Warning

Parameter Name and Description

Default Value

Value Options


Controls whether a message is broadcast to warn users when no volume space is available.


0 - Disable

1 - Enable


Controls whether a message is broadcast to warn users when volume space is low.


0 - Disable

1 - Enable


Sets the high watermark threshold (in MB), which is the level where the low watermark threshold is reset, and users no longer receive the low-space message.


0 to 100000


Sets the low watermark threshold (in MB) that indicates space is low.


0 to 100000

3.4.9 TCP Connections

Table 3-10 Server Parameter Information for the TCP Connections

Parameter Name and Description

Default Value

Value Options


Allows you to configure the keep-alive timeout for all TCP client connections accepted by the NCP server. The TCP keep-alive packet is sent by the server if the client is inactive for t this amount of time.

This parameter also helps the NCP server to clear unwanted connections. The actual time taken to clear the unwanted NCP connections also depends on other system-wide TCP keep-alive parameters, like net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes and net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intv. These parameters can be controlled by using the sysctl command.

8 minutes

Valid range: 3 minutes to 240 minutes


If NCP_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL=-1, then the behavior for NCP_TCP_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL remains unaltered.

If NCP_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL > 0, whenever the client is idle then the connections remain open till the time mentioned for this parameter elapses provided FIRST_WATCHDOG_PACKET=0 or FIRST_WATCHDOG_PACKET > NCP_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL.


Valid Range: -1 and 3 minutes to 240 minutes

3.4.10 Managing Audit Settings

Table 3-11 Server Parameter Information for the Auditing Support

Parameter Name and Description

Default Value

Value Options


Indicates whether auditing support is enabled for NCP. The default value is 0, which indicates that auditing is turned off.


Valid values: 0 and 1

3.4.11 Managing NCP Threads

Table 3-12 Server Parameter Information for the NCP Thread

Parameter Name and Description

Default Value

Value Options


Sets the number of additional SSG Threads (above the fixed 25 NCP threads) that can be used to serve incoming NCP file service requests. These threads are used when the 25 NCP threads are busy and taking more than the expected time to finish.


Valid range: 7 to 103


Sets the maximum number of the Async eDirectory NCP request threads that can be created.


Valid range: 25 to 384