10.17 Additional Information for Creating Cluster Resources

10.17.1 Creating Storage Cluster Resources

For information about creating cluster resources for shared storage on Linux, see the following:

Table 10-3 Cluster-Enabling Shared Storage

Shared Storage

Refer to

NSS pools and volumes

Section 12.0, Configuring and Managing Cluster Resources for Shared NSS Pools and Volumes

NCP volumes

Configuring NCP Volumes with OES Cluster Services in the OES 2023: NCP Server for Linux Administration Guide

Dynamic Storage Technology shadow volume pairs (shared NSS pools and volumes configured as DST pairs)

Configuring DST Shadow Volume Pairs with OES Cluster Services in the OES 2023: Dynamic Storage Technology Administration Guide

10.17.2 Creating Service Cluster Resources

For information about creating cluster resources for various services, see Section 11.0, Quick Reference for Clustering Services and Data.

10.17.3 Creating Virtual Machine Cluster Resources

If you install OES Cluster Services at the host level of an OES virtualized server, you can create cluster resources for the virtual machines. See Section 14.2, Virtual Machines as Cluster Resources.