D.0 Clusters Plug-In Changes for NetIQ iManager 3.2.6

The Clusters plug-in for iManager supports the management of OES clusters and resources. The availability of OES Cluster Services features depends on the version of OES Cluster Services and the server platform that are installed on the cluster being managed. You can use either the old plug-in or the new plug-in to manage a cluster and its resources.

Understanding the Cluster Plug-In’s New Interface

The Clusters plug-in for iManager has been reorganized. In Roles and Tasks under Clusters, the Cluster Manager, BCC Manager, Cluster Event Log, and Cluster Options menu items have been replaced with two menu options:

  • My Clusters: The logged-in cluster administrator can set up a personalized list of clusters to manage. This allows an administrator to view at a glance the status of multiple clusters. An administrator can also customize the display to sort the entries, modify the columns, or filter the entries. The list of clusters and display preferences persist between the administrator’s logins to iManager on the same server. See Section 8.2, Setting Up a Personalized List of Clusters to Manage.

  • My Resources: The logged-in cluster administrator can set up a personalized list of cluster resources to manage. This allows an administrator to view at a glance the status of multiple cluster resources for multiple clusters. An administrator can also customize the display to sort the entries, modify the columns, or filter the entries. The list of cluster resources and display preferences persist between the administrator’s logins to iManager on the same server. See Section 10.2, Setting Up a Personalized List of Resources to Manage.

From a custom My Clusters page or a My Resources page, you can click the name link of a cluster to manage the cluster. The old plug-in’s Clusters menu options are available here as tabs: Cluster Manager, BCC Manager, Cluster Event Log, and Cluster Options.

Upgrading the Clusters Plug-In

If you use Role-Based Services (RBS), upgrading the Clusters plug-in does not automatically update the RBS settings. The RBS Configuration page reports that the Clusters plug-in is out-of-date. The plug-in must be reinstalled on the RBS Configuration page in order to pick up the My Clusters and My Resources menu options. See Section 5.7.4, Updating Role-Based Services for the Clusters Plug-In after Upgrading to OES 11 SP2 and Later.

Comparing Tasks in the Old and New Clusters Plug-Ins

Use the tables in this section to understand how to perform tasks in the old Clusters plug-in for iManager 2.7.4 and the new Clusters plug-in for iManager 2.7.5 and later.

Table D-1 describes how to select the cluster you want to manage.

Table D-1 Selecting a Cluster to Manage

Clusters Plug-In for iManager 2.7.4 and Earlier

Clusters Plug-In for iManager 2.7.5 and Later

  1. In Roles and Tasks, select Clusters, then select Cluster Manager, BCC Manager, Cluster Event Log, or Cluster Options.

  2. Specify the cluster name, or browse and select the Cluster object.

    You must repeat the selection process to manage a different cluster. There is no capability to concurrently view the status of multiple clusters.

  1. In Roles and Tasks, select Clusters > My Clusters.

    The list is initially empty.

  2. On the My Clusters page, click Add to open the eDirectory browser pop-up window.

  3. Browse the tree where you are currently logged in to locate and select one or more clusters that you want to manage, then click OK.

    The selected clusters are added to the list.

    Your personalized list is displayed each time you log in to this iManager server and return to the My Clusters page. Use the Add and Remove options to modify your list as needed.

  4. Do any of the following from this page:

    • Concurrently view the status of multiple clusters.

    • Click the name link of a cluster to manage it.

      The Cluster Manager page opens. You can also select the other tabs from this page: BCC Manager, Cluster Event Log, or Cluster Options.

    • Select the check box next to the cluster, then select Actions > Edit Properties to manage the cluster properties.

    • Select the check box next to the cluster, then select Actions > Run Report.

Table D-2 describes how to access the cluster management pages: Cluster Manager, BCC Manager, Cluster Event Log, and Cluster Options. The instructions for the Clusters plug-in for iManager 2.7.5 and later assume that you have created a personalized list of clusters, as described in Table D-1.

Table D-2 Managing a Cluster

Clusters Plug-In for iManager 2.7.4 and Earlier

Clusters Plug-In for iManager 2.7.5 and Later

Cluster Manager

  1. In Roles and Tasks, select Clusters > Cluster Manager.

  2. Specify the cluster name, or browse and select the Cluster object.

Cluster Manager

  1. In Roles and Tasks, select Clusters > My Clusters.

  2. Click the name link of the cluster.

  3. Select the Cluster Manager tab.

BCC Manager

  1. In Roles and Tasks, select Clusters > BCC Manager.

  2. Specify the cluster name, or browse and select the Cluster object.

BCC Manager

  1. In Roles and Tasks, select Clusters > My Clusters.

  2. Click the name link of the cluster.

  3. Select the BCC Manager tab.

Cluster Event Log

  1. In Roles and Tasks, select Clusters > Cluster Event Log.

  2. Specify the cluster name, or browse and select the Cluster object.

Cluster Event Log

  1. In Roles and Tasks, select Clusters > My Clusters.

  2. Click the name link of the cluster.

  3. Select the Cluster Event Log tab.

Cluster Options

  1. In Roles and Tasks, select Clusters > Cluster Options.

  2. Specify the cluster name, or browse and select the Cluster object.

Cluster Options

  1. In Roles and Tasks, select Clusters > My Clusters.

  2. Click the name link of the cluster.

  3. Select the Cluster Options tab.

Table D-3 describes how to access the cluster properties pages: Policies, Priorities, Protocols, Resource Mutual Exclusion, and Business Continuity. The instructions for the Clusters plug-in for iManager 2.7.5 and later assume that you have created a personalized list of clusters, as described in Table D-1.

Table D-3 Accessing Cluster Properties

Clusters Plug-In for iManager 2.7.4 and Earlier

Clusters Plug-In for iManager 2.7.5 and Later

From My Resources

  1. In Roles and Tasks, select Clusters > My Clusters.

  2. Select the check box next to the cluster, then click Actions > Edit Properties.

From Cluster Options

  1. In Roles and Tasks, select Clusters > Cluster Options.

  2. Specify the cluster name, or browse and select the Cluster object.

  3. Click Properties.

From Cluster Options

  1. In Roles and Tasks, select Clusters > My Clusters.

  2. Click the name link of the cluster.

  3. Select the Cluster Options tab.

  4. Click Properties.

Table D-4 describes how to view or manage cluster resources, including their properties: Policies, Monitoring, Preferred Nodes, Scripts (Load, Unload, and Monitor), and Business Continuity.

Table D-4 Managing a Cluster Resource or Resource Properties

Clusters Plug-In for iManager 2.7.4 and Earlier

Clusters Plug-In for iManager 2.7.5 and Later

There is no capability to concurrently view the status of cluster resources across multiple clusters.

From My Resources:

  1. In Roles and Tasks, select Clusters > My Resources.

    The initial list is empty.

  2. On the My Resources page, click Add to open the eDirectory browser pop-up window.

  3. Browse the tree where you are currently logged in to locate and select the cluster resources that you want to manage for one or more clusters, then click OK.

    The selected cluster resources are added to the list.

    Your personalized list is displayed each time you log in to this iManager server and return to the My Resources page. Use the Add and Remove options to modify your list as needed.

  4. Do any of the following from this page:

    • Concurrently view the status of multiple resources across multiple clusters.

    • Click the name link of a resource to open its Resource Properties.

    • Click the name link of the resource’s cluster to manage the cluster.

From Cluster Manager:

  1. In Roles and Tasks, select Clusters > Cluster Manager.

  2. Specify the cluster name, or browse and select the Cluster object.

  3. Do any of the following:

    • View the status of resources on this cluster.

    • Click the name link of a resource to open its Resource Properties.

    • Select the check box next to a resource, then click one of the following options:

      • Online
      • Offline
      • Migrate
      • Respond to Alert

From Cluster Manager:

  1. In Roles and Tasks, select Clusters > My Clusters.

  2. Click the name link of the cluster.

  3. Select the Cluster Manager tab.

  4. Do any of the following:

    • View the status of resources on this cluster.

    • Click the name link of a resource to open its Resource Properties.

    • Select the check box next to a resource, then click one of the following options:

      • Online
      • Offline
      • Migrate
      • Respond to Alert

From Cluster Options:

  1. In Roles and Tasks, select Clusters > Cluster Options.

  2. Specify the cluster name, or browse and select the Cluster object.

  3. Click the name link of a resource to open its Resource Properties.

    You can also select the check box next to the resource, then click the Details link.

From Cluster Options:

  1. In Roles and Tasks, select Clusters > My Clusters.

  2. Click the name link of the cluster.

  3. Select the Cluster Options tab.

  4. Click the name link of a cluster resource to open its Resource Properties.

    You can also select the check box next to the resource, then click the Details link.