9.1 Scaling Up of HA Nodes

Additional nodes can be added to the multi node high availability configuration of the infrastructure server. You can increase the number of nodes from three to five, three to seven, or five to seven.

To add new HA nodes:

  1. Install CIS pattern on the new servers you want to add as a HA node.

  2. In the CIS Configuration Console, select Configure Infrastructure Services, click Prepare this Node to be HA Ready, and then click OK to confirm.

  3. (Using CLI) On an existing healthy HA node, generate a token using the following command:

    docker swarm join-token manager

    Command output:

    docker swarm join --token <token_value> <host_address>:2377

    Make a note of this command output, because this output must be executed on all the new HA nodes to join the Docker Swarm.

  4. To join the new HA nodes to the Docker Swarm, run the command output obtained from Step 3 on each of the new nodes.

  5. To synchronize data between the existing HA nodes and the new HA nodes added, run the following scripts sequentially on the node where the token was generated:

    sh /opt/novell/cis/bin/cis_ext_service.sh stop

    sh /opt/novell/cis/bin/cis_ext_service.sh start

    The infrastructure services starts on all the HA nodes (existing and new).

  6. To synchronize all the HA nodes with the CIS Server, run the following command:

    ./infra-reconfigure --add -infra <FQDN of new infra node> -infra <FQDN of new infra node>

    The information of the new HA nodes are added to the configuration page.

  7. Verify the addition of new HA nodes in the following files:

    Configuration file: /etc/opt/novell/cis/configurationStatus.json

    Config file: /etc/opt/novell/cis/config

    The FQDN of the new HA nodes added are also listed in these files along with the FQDN of the existing HA nodes.