6.2 Prerequisites for Configuring the BCC Drivers for Identity Manager

Before you configure the Identity Manager drivers, ensure that your system meets the requirements in this section.

6.2.1 Landing Zone Container

The landing zone that you specify for drivers must already exist. Typically, this is the OU container you created for the peer cluster’s objects. You can optionally create a separate container in eDirectory specifically for these cluster pool and volume objects.

6.2.2 BCC Admin User and Group

BCC Administrator user and group are used to manage BCC. The driver needs to have sufficient eDirectory rights (see Section 4.8.6, Rights Needed by BCC Drivers) in the Cluster context to be able to create, modify, and delete objects related to BCC-enabled cluster resources. This is achieved by making the Driver object security equivalent to the BCC Administrator user.

For information about setting up the BCC Administrator user, see Section 5.3, Configuring a BCC Administrator User and Group.