You can use any of the following methods to salvage or purge deleted files. To purge, the user must be a trustee of the file with the Erase right. To salvage, the user must be a trustee of the file with the Create right.
Using NetStorage, the Administrator user, the Admin-equivalent user, and individual users can purge and possibly undelete NSS files that were previously deleted on the server.
Access NetStorage.
For information, see Section 10.4, OES NetStorage.
In the left column, select the directory where the deleted files were located when they were deleted.
Click View, then click Show Deleted Files.
Select the check box next to one or more files you want to undelete or purge.
Click File, then click Undelete or click Purge.
Using the Client for Open Enterprise Server for Windows 2000/XP/2003, Administrator users, Admin-equivalent users, and individual users can purge and possibly undelete NSS files that were previously deleted on the server.
Right-click the Client for Open Enterprise Server icon in the notification area to display the menu.
If you want to salvage a deleted file, click Novell Utilities > Salvage (or NetWare Utilities > Salvage on older client versions), browse to locate the directory where the deleted file resided, then do one of the following:
To restore one or more deleted files, select the deleted files, then click Salvage File.
To restore all deleted files in the directory, click Salvage All.
When you are done, click OK.
If you want to purge a deleted file, click Novell Utilities > Purge (or NetWare Utilities > Purge on older client versions), browse to locate the directory where the deleted file resided, then do one of the following:
To purge one or more deleted files, select the deleted files, then click Purge File.
To purge all deleted files in the directory, click Purge All.
To purge the directory’s subdirectories and all deleted files in them, click Purge Subdirectories.
When you are done, click OK.
You can also purge deleted files from NCPCON using the command purge volume. For more information, see Using NCPCON to Purge Deleted Files
in the OES 2018 SP3: NCP Server for Linux Administration Guide.
This section includes the following:
For information on salvaging and purging the deleted files on Windows using NFARM, see Salvage and Purge on Windows in the OES 2018 SP3: OES CIFS for Linux Administration Guide.
For information on salvaging and purging the deleted files on Mac using NFARM, see Salvage and Purge on Mac in the OES 2018 SP3: OES CIFS for Linux Administration Guide.