20.2 Migrating DHCP to OES 2018 SP3

In this section, the source server refers to a supported OES server and the target server refers to an OES 2018 SP3 server.

20.2.1 Planning Your Migration

Make sure your setup addresses the following requirements before you migrate DHCP to the new platform.


  • An eDirectory integrated DHCP server installed and configured on the target machine. This takes care of the schema extension on the target server tree and creation of the dhcpLocator and DHCPGroup objects.

  • If the target server is in different subnet, ensure that you create a subnet in the target server before migration.

20.2.2 Migration Scenarios

To migrate DHCP to the new platform, you can use the Java Management Console. During migration, the configuration details as well as the data are migrated to the destination platform.

NOTE:To enable DHCP to autostart after a successful migration, execute the chkconfig -a dhcpd command on the source server.

Migrating Servers Within the Same eDirectory Tree

  1. Launch Java Console.

  2. Select the service container object that you want to migrate to the target DHCP server.

  3. From the Default DHCP Server list in the General Tab, select the DHCP server object of the target machine.

  4. Click the Save button.

  5. Migrate the DHCP leases from OES 2 SPx to OES 2018 SP3. To migrate the DHCP leases, copy the /var/lib/dhcp/db/dhcpd.leases file from the source OES 2 server to the corresponding location in the OES 2018 SP3 server.

  6. Perform Transfer ID. For more information, see Section IV, Transfer ID Migration.

  7. On successful migration, proceed to perform service specific proxy migration. For more information, see Migrating Proxy users to OES 2018 SP3.

Migrating Servers Across eDirectory Trees

To migrate servers across eDirectory trees, you need to export the source server’s DHCP configuration and import the DHCP configuration to the target server.

The import and export operation is used to transfer the DHCP service configuration from files into eDirectory or from eDirectory to a text file in a dhcpd.conf format respectively. Only Linux DHCP configuration files should be used to import or export the DHCP configuration.

NOTE:Before importing a DHCP configuration file, check the syntax of the file with the rcnovell-dhcpd check-syntax command. The command reads /etc/dhcpd.conf and checks the syntax.

Exporting the DHCP Configuration

The file is exported in a dhcpd.conf format. These files can be imported anywhere and can also be imported back to eDirectory by using the DNS/DHCP Java-based Management Console Utility.

  1. Click the DHCP (OES Linux) tab of the Java Management Console.

  2. Click Export DHCP Database on the toolbar to open the Export - DHCP window.

  3. Specify the name of a destination file or browse to select a filename from the dialog box, then click Next.

  4. Select the services by using the Export DHCP - Service List window.

  5. Click Export to store your information in a file.

  6. Click Finish to complete the export.

    If the export program encounters any error, the Details button is enabled in the error window. Click Details to view the error details.

Importing the DHCP Configuration

The configuration file to import should be in DHCP V3 format. Importing the Linux DHCP configuration file overwrites the associated DHCP server's settings.

To import the DHCP files:

  1. Click the DHCP (OES Linux) tab of the Java Management Console.

  2. Click Import DHCP Database on the toolbar.

  3. Click Browse to select or specify the path for the DHCP database file.

  4. Click Next to open the Import - File Input window.

  5. Specify the service name in the Service Name text box.

  6. In the Select NDS Context text box, browse to select or enter specify the context where the service is to be created.

  7. (Optional) Select a Default DHCP Server from the drop-down list.

  8. Click Import.

  9. Click Finish to complete the import operation.

If the import program encounters any error, the Details button is enabled in the error window. Click Details to view the error details.

Migrating DHCP Leases from OES 2 SP3, OES 11, OES 2015, or OES 2018 to OES 2018 SP3

To migrate the DHCP leases from a supported OES server to OES 2018 SP3, copy the /var/lib/dhcp/db/dhcpd.leases file from the source OES 2 server to the corresponding location in the OES 2018 SP3 server.

20.2.3 Post-Migration Procedure

  1. In the /etc/dhcpd.conf file, change ldap-base-dn to reflect the context of the migrated DHCP Server and change ldap-dhcp-server-cn to reflect the name of the migrated DHCP Server.

20.2.4 Verifying the Migration

  1. Check the syntax of the dhcp configuration file with the rcnovell-dhcpd check-syntax command. The command reads /etc/dhcpd.conf and checks the syntax.

  2. Start the target server dhcp server using the following command:

    rcnovell-dhcpd start

  3. Verify the /var/log/dhcp-ldap-startup.log file to check the dhcp configuration of the migrated server.