5.5 Configuring OES Cluster Services

After you install OES Cluster Services, you use the Open Enterprise Server > OES Install and Configuration tool in YaST to set up the cluster or to add a node to the cluster.

IMPORTANT:The YaST-based configuration is not used to modify the settings for an existing cluster. For information about modifying the settings for an existing cluster, see Section 8.13, Moving a Cluster, or Changing the Node IP Addresses, LDAP Servers, or Administrator Credentials for a Cluster.

If you are creating a new cluster, the OES Cluster Services configuration does the following:

  • Creates a new Cluster object and a Cluster Node object in eDirectory.

  • Creates a special cluster partition for the Split Brain Detector (SBD) if you have a shared disk system.

If you are adding a server to an existing cluster, the OES Cluster Services configuration does the following:

  • Creates a new Cluster Node object in eDirectory.

Use the following procedures to configure OES Cluster Services on a node:

5.5.1 Initializing and Sharing a Device to Use for the SBD Partition

If you plan to use shared storage in the cluster, the cluster needs a split-brain detector (SBD). You must create the SBD before you add a second node to the cluster. You can create the SBD when you set up the cluster on the first node. In preparation, you must initialize the partition, and mark its device as shareable for clustering. If you plan to mirror the SBD, you must also initialize the partition that you want to use as the mirrored SBD, and mark its device as shareable for clustering. For a 512 byte device, you need at least 20 MB for the SBD. For a 4096 (4Kn) device, it is 80 MB.

  1. Log in as the root user on the server that will be the first node of the cluster, then open a terminal console.

  2. At the command prompt, enter

  3. In the NSSMU, select Devices and press Enter.

  4. In the Devices list, select the device that you want to use for the SBD.

  5. If the device has not been initialized or if you want to delete the current partitioning structures on the device, press F3, then press Y (Yes) to confirm and continue.

    WARNING:Initializing a disk destroys all of the data on it.

  6. Select the DOS or GPT partitioning scheme for the device, then press Enter.

    DOS supports devices up to 2 TB in size. GPT supports devices of any size.

    Wait for the page to refresh before continuing.

  7. Press F6 to mark the device as shareable for clustering.

    The Shareable for Clustering value changes from No to Yes.

  8. If you plan to mirror the SBD, repeat Step 4 through Step 7 for the second device.

  9. Exit NSSMU.

  10. Continue with Section 5.5.2, Opening the Open Enterprise Server Configuration Page.

5.5.2 Opening the Open Enterprise Server Configuration Page

  1. Log in to the server as the root user.

  2. Verify that the OES 2018 SP3 Media is mounted on or available to the server.

  3. In YaST, select Open Enterprise Server > OES Install and Configuration.

  4. On the Software Selection page under Open Enterprise Server, verify that the OES Cluster Services option is already installed as indicated by a check mark.

  5. Click Accept to proceed to the Open Enterprise Server Configuration page.

  6. Do one of the following:

5.5.3 Using Different LDAP Credentials for the Cluster Configuration

You can use different user credentials to configure OES Cluster Services than were used during the installation of Open Enterprise Server on the server by reconfiguring the settings for the LDAP Configuration of Open Enterprise Services option.

For information about what rights are needed, see Section 5.3, Assigning Install Rights for Container Administrators or Non-Administrator Users.

  1. On the Open Enterprise Server Configuration page under LDAP Configuration of Open Enterprise Services, click the disabled link to enable re-configuration.

    The sentence changes to Reconfiguration is enabled.

  2. Click the LDAP Configuration of Open Enterprise Services link to open the LDAP Configuration page.

  3. Specify the following values:

    • Admin name and context: The user name and context (in LDAP form) of the container administrator user (or non-administrator user) who has the eDirectory rights needed to install OES Cluster Services.

    • Admin password: The password of the container administrator (or non-administrator user).

  4. Click Next.

    The install returns to the Open Enterprise Server Configuration page.

  5. Continue with Section 5.5.4, Accessing the OES Cluster Services Configuration Page in YaST.

5.5.4 Accessing the OES Cluster Services Configuration Page in YaST

  1. On the Open Enterprise Server Configuration page under OES Cluster Services, locate the OES Cluster Services link.

    The configuration is currently disabled.

  2. Click the disabled link to enable configuration.

    The sentence changes to Configure is enabled.

  3. Click the OES Cluster Services link to open the OES Cluster Services Configuration page.

  4. If you are prompted for credentials, specify the password of the specified Administrator user, then click OK.

    This is either the LDAP administrator identity that was used when the Open Enterprise Server were installed, or the identity configured after the install in Section 5.5.3, Using Different LDAP Credentials for the Cluster Configuration.

  5. On the OES Cluster Services Configuration page, continue with one of the following:

5.5.5 Configuring a New Cluster

Perform the following configuration for the first node that you configure for a cluster:

  1. Go to the OES Cluster Services Configuration page as described in Section 5.5.4, Accessing the OES Cluster Services Configuration Page in YaST.

  2. On the first configuration page, specify the following settings for a new cluster, then click Next:



    New or existing cluster

    Select New Cluster.

    Directory Server Address

    Select the check box next to the IP address of the LDAP server you want to use as the default for this node. The local LDAP server is selected by default.

    The IP addresses shown are the LDAP servers available for this service to use. The LDAP servers must have a master replica or a Read/Write replica of eDirectory.

    You can add, remove, or change the order of available LDAP servers for the node after the setup is complete. See Section 8.13.1, Changing the Administrator Credentials or LDAP Server IP Addresses for a Cluster.

    Cluster FDN

    Click Browse and navigate the tree to select the container where you want to create the cluster, then click OK. The FDN is automatically added to the field with a suggested cluster name. You can specify a different cluster name.

    You can also specify the typeful FDN (fully distinguished name) of the existing cluster. The name is case sensitive. Use the comma format illustrated in the example. Do not use dots.

    For example:


    You must specify an existing context. Specifying a new context does not create a new context.

    Cluster names must be unique. You cannot create two clusters with the same name in the same eDirectory tree.

    Cluster IP Address

    The cluster IP address represents the cluster on the network. It is different than the server IP address. For example:

    The cluster IP address provides a single point for cluster access, configuration, and management. A Master IP Address resource is created automatically during the Cluster Services installation. The cluster IP address is bound to the master node and remains with the master node regardless of which server is the master node.

    The cluster IP address is required to be on the same IP subnet as the other servers in the same cluster, which is necessary for certain external network management programs to get cluster status alerts.

    Select the storage device with shared media

    Select the initialized and shared device that you want to use for the SBD from the drop-down list.

    For a new cluster, you can create the SBD partition now, or you can create it manually at any time before you add a second node to the cluster.

    A split-brain detector (SBD) is required if you plan to use shared disks in the cluster. For information about SBD requirements, see Section 4.8.2, SBD Partitions.

    The drop-down menus show only devices that have been initialized and shared. See Section 5.5.1, Initializing and Sharing a Device to Use for the SBD Partition.

    Select the device where the mirror partition will be created

    If you want to mirror the SBD, select a different shared device from the drop-down list.

    Desired partition size of shared media

    Specify a size of 20 MB or greater for 512 byte device and 80 MB or greater for 4096 (4Kn) device to use for the SBD partition, or select Use maximum size to use the entire device.

    If you selected a device for the SBD mirror, the specified size is also used for the mirror segment.

  3. On the Proxy User Configuration page, specify one of the following users as the NCS Proxy user, then click Next.



    OES Common Proxy User

    If the OES Common Proxy User is enabled in eDirectory, the Use OES Common Proxy User check box is automatically selected and the NCS Proxy User Name and Specify NCS Proxy User Password fields are populated with the credentials of the OES Common Proxy User.

    LDAP Admin User

    If the OES Common Proxy User is disabled in eDirectory, the Use OES Common Proxy User check box is automatically deselected and the NCS Proxy User Name and Specify NCS Proxy User Password fields are populated with the credentials of the LDAP Admin user. The fields are also automatically populated with the LDAP Admin credentials if you deselect the Use OES Common Proxy User check box.

    Another Admin User

    Deselect the Use OES Common Proxy User check box, then specify the credentials of an existing administrator user.

    You can reset the default settings by clicking Back to return to the OES Cluster Services Configuration page, then clicking Next to continue again to the Proxy User Configuration page.

  4. On the third Configuration page, configure the following settings, then click Finish.



    IP address of this node

    From the drop-down list, select the IP address that OES Cluster Services will use for this node.

    Some servers have multiple IP addresses. This step lets you choose which IP address OES Cluster Services uses.

    Start Clustering Services now

    Select the check box to start OES Cluster Services software on this node after configuring it.

  5. On the OES Server Configuration page, scroll down to the OES Cluster Services entry to review the summary of the Cluster Services configuration, then click Next.

  6. Continue through the setup process, then click Finish to exit the OES Configuration

  7. Start OES Cluster Services using one of these methods:

    Setup Condition


    Start Cluster Services now was enabled

    OES Cluster Services starts automatically after the configuration completes.

    Start Cluster Services now was disabled

    Start OES Cluster Services manually by using one of these methods:

    • Reboot the cluster server.

    • At a command prompt, enter one of the following as the root user:

      rcnovell-ncs start


      systemctl start novell-ncs.service
  8. Continue with Section 5.6, Configuring Additional Administrators.

5.5.6 Adding a Node to an Existing Cluster

Perform the following configuration for each node that you add to an existing cluster:

  1. If you have not previously configured the SBD partition for the cluster, create an SBD partition for the cluster by using one of the following procedures:

    If you have a shared disk system attached to your cluster servers, an SBD partition is required and must be created before you configure the second node in the cluster.

    IMPORTANT:An SBD partition requires at least 20 MB of free space on a 512 byte device and at least 80 MB of free space on a 4096 (4Kn) device that has been previously initialized and marked as shareable for clustering.

  2. Go to the OES Cluster Services Configuration page as described in Section 5.5.4, Accessing the OES Cluster Services Configuration Page in YaST.

  3. Specify the following settings for adding this node to an existing cluster, then click Next:



    New or existing cluster

    Select Existing Cluster.

    Directory Server Address

    Select the check box next to the IP address of the LDAP server you want to use as the default for this node. The local LDAP server is selected by default.

    The IP addresses shown are the LDAP servers available for this service to use. The LDAP servers must have a master replica or a Read/Write replica of eDirectory.

    You can add, remove, or change the order of available LDAP servers for the node after the setup is complete. See Section 8.13.1, Changing the Administrator Credentials or LDAP Server IP Addresses for a Cluster.

    Cluster FDN

    Click Browse and navigate the tree to select the Cluster object of the existing cluster, then click OK. The FDN is automatically added to the field.

    You can also specify the typeful FDN (fully distinguished name) of the existing cluster. The name is case sensitive. Use the comma format illustrated in the example. Do not use dots.

    For example:


    Select the device where the mirror partition will be created

    If you want to mirror the SBD, select a different shared device from the drop-down list.

  4. On the Proxy User Configuration page, specify one of the following users as the NCS Proxy user for this node, then click Next.



    OES Common Proxy User

    If the OES Common Proxy User is enabled in eDirectory, the Use OES Common Proxy User check box is automatically selected and the NCS Proxy User Name and Specify NCS Proxy User Password fields are populated with the credentials of the OES Common Proxy User.

    LDAP Admin User

    If the OES Common Proxy User is disabled in eDirectory, the Use OES Common Proxy User check box is automatically deselected and the NCS Proxy User Name and Specify NCS Proxy User Password fields are populated with the credentials of the LDAP Admin user. The fields are also automatically populated with the LDAP Admin credentials if you deselect the Use OES Common Proxy User check box.

    Another Admin User

    Deselect the Use OES Common Proxy User check box, then specify the credentials of an existing administrator user.

    You can reset the default settings by clicking Back to return to the OES Cluster Services Configuration page, then clicking Next to continue again to the Proxy User Configuration page.

  5. On the third Configuration page, configure the following settings, then click Finish.



    IP address of this node

    From the drop-down list, select the IP address that OES Cluster Services will use for this node.

    Some servers have multiple IP addresses. This step lets you choose which IP address OES Cluster Services uses.

    Start Clustering Services now

    Select the check box to start OES Cluster Services software on this node after configuring it.

  6. On the OES Server Configuration page, scroll down to the OES Cluster Services entry to review the summary of the Cluster Services configuration, then click Next.

  7. Continue through the setup process, then click Finish to exit the OES Configuration

  8. Start OES Cluster Services by using one of these methods:

    Setup Condition


    Start Cluster Services now was enabled

    OES Cluster Services starts automatically after the configuration completes.

    Start Cluster Services now was disabled

    Start OES Cluster Services manually by using one of these methods:

    • Reboot the cluster server.

    • At a command prompt, enter the following as the root user:

      rcnovell-ncs start


      systemctl start novell-ncs.service
  9. Continue with Section 5.6, Configuring Additional Administrators.